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Extremely hard the last few days, no idea why??

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Ive posted a few times in the past so many may know the story so I wont go into detail about that. Long story short, havent seen her in 4 weeks today. Last week was a great week for me. Depression wasnt that bad(just typical going to bed and waking up alone kind) and over all it was a good week. Then saturday night came around and its like the whole cycle started over. Sunday I decided to clean up the mess that has been accumulating and came accross some things of her daughters. That just sent me into a spiral. Since then I cant stop thinking about her. Last night I couldnt sleep and i mean at all. Any advice on how to further the whole getting over process????? Im tired of feeling like this!!!!

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Well i'm thinking this is just the natural course of healing...i'm getting this just now too. I was feeling so much better and positive the past few days after quite a few weeks of being so low, then he text me and i'm sinking again!


All i can suggest is you go round the house and make sure there's nothing left of her's or her daughters and if there is, put it away in a box and give it to a friend to either give back to her or keep it until you feel you can deal with it without getting upset.


Have you been going out and seeing friends? Doing things to take your mind off it? I've started giving myself wee goals of doing things i normally wouldn't have the courage to do. It's helped a little.


4 weeks isn't long really. It's almost 5 weeks since my breakup and 3 since i last saw him. I don't expect to feel better consistently for some time yet.

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yeah I still have heavy days and i'm 11 weeks out. She sent me a text 12 days about but just about putting a netflix movie in the mail. I can function a lot better now then a month ago but the waves still come and you just have to weather it. I know exactly what you mean about her daughters stuff. My ex's daughter made a calendar, with crayons, and wrote at the top 'my mommy loves you with all her heart.'

That was a very sleep filled week...

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