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Asking This Hot Girl Out

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well...i'd say that if you're shy then email would be the perfect place to ask her out...no face to face contact...that should alleviate a lot of nervousness I say that if you want to ask her out then you need to go for it...you'll never know if you don't ask...chances are she'll agree, so go on! what are you waiting for?

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If ive learned 1 thing from asking girls out its that u shouldn't be suttle. 4 example: hand her a note and ask her out, email her and ask her out . Ide say the best way is just 2 ask her if she want to hang out and when you do hang out just simply say" (name), i really like hanging out with you and I really like you,........ and i was wonder'n if you wanted 2 go out some time?....." dont make a production about it just ask her out in person when u 2 are alone...


Hope i helped... peace.

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Well you do have her e-mail, which is good. (If you got it from her that's also good.)


i was in a similar situation, but I liked this "hot girl" as more of a friend. We really had fun one day but then my mom pissed me off when I called her(my mom), so then all that I had inside me to ask for her number or at least her e-mail just went out. When we were waiting in line she brought up e-mail and AIM about this freshman who gave her that on the last day. Rigth there I could of asked, but I just didn't have it in me. I also didn't want to seem like I "liked" her. (It was just a day at the amuzement park the day after school let out, she invited me to help volunteer with her church for a couple of hours, then we had the rest of the day there) She also had a boyfriend, he was there for like an hour(not volunteering though, he came after it was over), but then just left.

So making a long story short, I got her e-mail, but not through her. I finally got the nerve to e-mail her like a week after, but never heard back from her.

After the fact, I remember one time my friend told me online when we were pulling a small prank online that the girl used to be online alot, but her computer got messed up and she hasn't been on since. But that was months before this. And she also checked her e-mail at school, which I guess alot of people do.

To sum it up, i don't know if she ever read it. It's been a month.



But as for e-mail a girl to ask on a date, I wouldn't do it. Maybe you can contact her to hangout sometimes, and if your having fun then ask her out in person.

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You should definetly not email her. It should be a lot more personal than that. She may even possibly think that someone got into your email and asked her out as a joke, and won't accept your invitation. So I recommend you do it face-to-face. Show her she's worth it than an email. I'de call her or next time you see her strike up a conversation. I know if anyone emailed me asking me out, I'de probably decline.

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Well you really shouldn't ask her out just yet, because you really dont know a whole lot about her and she doesnt know anything about u. If u really want something with her just start off talking to her like a friend. If u ask her out now she will think ur like crazy. I've had my experience in a similar situation. I began talkin to her friends and then i began to get to know her from what they told me. Then i asked them to introduce me to her. All went well except she didnt see me as someone she liked, just a friend. But a friends better then nothing. You cant just sit back and do nothing, because it might be too late if u wait too long. So work your way through it and try to talk to her like you wanna b friends. Get her s/n and im her or just one day say hi to her. Then when u think ur ready come out and tell her how u feel. The worst thing that can happen is her being ur friend. But no matter wat, u can sit bak b/c then u will lose your chance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If ya only got an email..well email her. Some girls don't feel comfortable giving out phone numbers. I 'm faced with the same situation. I emailed this girl out 3 days ago..still nothing. It's also not like the iron is hot either but I figure nothing ventured nothing gained. Also the next time I see her, well she'll know I"m interested and she'll either blow me off or act very interested in getting to know me. I"ll also not give her my undivided attention unless she signals that she wants me to. Then there is always the unexpected cause at this point, if she does email me back..whoa...I'll just go with the flow that way.



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Ok, here is some solid advise. i met this girl at a club one night, we talked for about 3 miuntes about how she was doing, I craked on her funny shoes, etc. It was very short though. I just said I had to go, but she seemed normal and asked her if she had email, she said yeah so I gave her a pen. She wrote it down and I said it was nice to meet you and walked off.


Now this is assuming you have at least said Hi and she knows who you are. This is the email word for word I sent. This girl was a 9 easy too.


"It was great meeting you last night. I think you were already stalking me going to the same place for breakfast though. But I'll let it slide this once I suppose. ;-)




So let's see…. What is your schedule like next week? We should get together and have coffee or something and you can tell me that long story about what it is you actually do or hey, even a stimulating conversation about your adventures in shoe shopping! ;-)




Then if we get along, maybe we can go for a bite to eat… but you know, coffee is a safe bet… this way if you scare me to bad, I can say "Oh, hey… um… I just remembered that I have to go walk the dog… it's really important…" and then we can call it a night. ;-) Otherwise, you seem pretty down to earth so far. We just might even become friends!"



Now that got me a date and much much more. But continue to be funny and evasive about it or she will know that you copied it.


Heck, dont even have to say what I did, but dont be afriad man, what can she do, say no? lol OMG!!

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