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The Pledge for life

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Please read this carefully:

You never know how your mistakes will affect other people until after you make them… mistakes that sometimes destroy the hearts of others. For example, what if you decided to go to one of your friend's drinking parties this summer. And what if, after you had put a few under your belt, you decided to drive home. No problem, you can handle it. You're only three streets from your house when, suddenly, the guy in front of you stops to let a dog & its owner cross the street. You slam on the break but, instead, your car launches forward at full speed. You hit the car in front of you, which ends up smashing the dog owner's skull all over the pavement, thankfully the dog gets away just in time. As you curse your mom's brakes, you open the car door and step out to make sure the driver in front of you is okay. Once you get to his car you just stand there, staring at all the blood, for what feels like a few seconds. As the reality of what happened hits you, so do a hundred mind-shattering noises. Noises like the police and ambulance sirens, as they pull up, and the other driver's busted car horn. The ambulances pile the three of you in, even though you insist that you are okay.

After a thorough examination, you are told that you have a broken arm and that you shattered your wrist. The nurse tells you that you can leave but a cop stops you when you enter the waiting room, saying that there was nothing wrong with your brakes and that you're being charged with drunk driving, murder in the first degree, and possibly the second. For the first time you look around and you see another cop holding onto a little girl, about six or seven years old, trying to keep her from running into a room. She is very upset and yelling for him to let her go. The cop that is arresting you says that she is a friend of the driver that you hit, and that the people sitting behind her are his family. Suddenly, a nurse comes out and says that the boy is hemorrhaging and tells the doctor that's holding the little girl that they need him right away. The doctor hands the girl over to the boy's father and she starts to cry and shake.

As you sit in a jail cell, the cop that arrested you comes up and tells you that you will now be tried for murder in the second degree. The boy is dead. You are also told that he was only sixteen, two years younger than you, with his whole life ahead of him. A week before your trial, the boy's father commits suicide and his sister is put into a mental institution. Shortly after, his mother dies of heartbreak.


I am telling you all this story because it is one that I have lived. The boy that died was my best friend Joshua, his sister is Alyssa, and I, Amber, was the seven year old girl. Alyssa has been in and out of mental institutions since she was ten years old, and she is currently back in drug rehab for the forth time. About two years ago, I received an apology letter from Logan, the eighteen year old that killed my best friend. Since then, I have heard nothing else from him, and I frankly do not want to. Anything that he could say has no meaning to me. I will never forgive his actions.


You may all ask me why I am telling you this. Every year, around this time, Alyssa and I ask people to take a pledge. We ask you to join us in our fight. For one month, do not consume any sort of alcoholic beverage or intoxicant. Spread this story to your friends and, please, ask them to take the pledge. We thank you for your support. Sincerely, Ambrosia.

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This is probably one of the best posts I have read since I have been on Enotalone..you have no idea how many people in this country are so ignorant as to get behind the wheel drunk..


This is something that has to be stressed ..



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All it takes is one mistake: like the dominoe effect- the world around you begins to crumble.


Powerful. You are a strong soul. Keep spreading your message. Personally, I hate alcohol. For the past 3 years, I have been trying to help my b/c with his drinking problem which started 10 years ago when he went away to college.


Recently, he began taking Anitibuse, prescribed by a doctor. So far it is working- hopefully it will save his life in the long run. I love his with all my heart, it would be impossible to leave him at this point of our relationship. However, if he ever killed someone while drinking & driving, the guilt would be too much to bear. I would feel partly responsible b/c i always forgive him when he gets drunk. It has been a few weeks since he finally admitted that hes a alcoholic.


My heart goes out to you. Although, I luckily have had noone close to me die so tragically, I probably would not have your courage to tell the story over & over. It is a selfless thing to do. Peace.

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A terrible tragedy and one that is repeated too often all over the world. But I have to ask cos I just don't get a couple of things,

Joshua was 16 (was he the driver or a passenger?)

You were the little girl Amber aged 7, how were you and Joshua best friends...it seems odd.

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OMG that is one hell of a story. It is not only sad but too damn visual. I am sorry for all the loss and pain you have had in your life. I think your crusade is a just one and you should keep trying to get people to make the pledge.


All my best,


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I make a pledge. I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your bestfriend. I don't drink that often. I hate the taste of alchohol & wine, and I also hate the stupid reasons people use to 'abuse' it. I also hate hearing stories like these. I know that hate is a strong word, but I dislike 'drunk drivers' with a passion. That's why I can't stand these fools: guys/girls, who try to be cool, get high, get drunk at clubs & bars. They get all showy. Think they're the bomb. Flaunt around with their wannabe 'image', like they're the greatest things that ever walked on the face of this planet. And what do they do in the end? Get in a car, and mess up other people's lives! It's all fun n' games before something goes wrong, or someone dies.


I think that they should be more 'wise' about their decisions, and be aware of how it affects others. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I hope that in the end, people will learn not to do let things get out of hand, and prevent it before it's too late. Take care. My prayers to you and your bestfriend's family.-Mahlina

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