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One way to choose a career

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When I was laid off from my office job last summer, I found myself wondering what I actually wanted to do with my life. What was a job I would look forward to waking up to every day? What would satisfy me so completely, that I would take great joy from my occupation?


Even more importantly... How did I figure out what that was?


I looked deep inside myself, to figure out what kind of person I was. I looked at my broken relationships, trying to see what it was that made them fail. What was it I was looking for? What was at my core, what was my greatest desire?


From all this introspection, I learned.... I am a person who desperately needs to be needed. I have to feel important to someone, to feel like what I do makes a real, true difference in their lives. It's a driving force for me. It's ruined relationships in the past. But it is who I am. I need to be needed.


So, I looked at jobs I could do that would satisfy this core desire. I came up with becoming a nurse.


Now, when I am doing my practical experience for nursing school, and I can see what a huge difference I am making, how my patients truly and genuinely need me... I feel complete. I feel like THIS is what I am supposed to be doing with my life. I love the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing at the end of the day I really DID make a difference in someone's life.


This is just an example of an idea to find a career. Look deep within to figure out WHO YOU ARE. Your job takes up 1/3 of your life. It's a gift to be able to do something that truly suits who you are. You may come up with an altogether different path for yourself if you really look hard at your personal needs.

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Perfect! I had decided to change my career path and hopefully with be attending school for social work in january. I gathered through my need to be important to someone as well and desire to help others in need that it would be a chance for me to fulfill what I am missing in life.


Good luck in your studies!

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Good post. I did that self reflective thing back when I was working but it took losing my job and getting divorced to push me to work towards my goal. I want a job that pays well and serves others. I'm studying housing which is exactly that so in a year I'll hopefully have a job in a field that brings me pleasure as well as provides a nice life.

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