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My fast food manager.


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Right now, I work at Mcdonalds. Not where I want to be, but I had to move back in town and my last job would not transfer me back. (I had to move back to my home which is 3 1/2 hours away from where me and my dad moved for better financial reasons and so on.)


SO, I am being responsible working to pay my car payment and late payments. The head manager is so ridiculous though! There are probably about 7 managers total and they are really rude. When I ask questions, this one manager will always roll her eyes at me. The other manager likes to tell me off in front of the customers when I punch in the wrong order on the menu (accidentally of course) and the others ones are Okay I guess. But one of the top managers is worst! One of the employees was helping me out on register and making me look stupid in front of the customer. She was like, "I am so sorry about that m'aam, it will not happen again." And in front of the manager, she was like, "You are doing it wrong, you don't do it like that." She is 16...I am 21 and she said it in a very rude way.


So when I talked to my head manager about it, he was like, "So, what do you want me to do? Fire the whole crew and keep you? You are slow at this and that's why they are getting frustrated!" I said, "No, but everywhere else I have ever worked, when there was an issue, I could talk to a manager about it and it would get fixed." He said, "Well, there's nothing I can do."


When I got to work yesterday, he told me that I had gotten written up from the night before, because the drawer was 21 dollars short. BUT, that drawer was not even assigned to me and I was only on it for 5 minutes write before my shift ended because they got busy and he MADE me get on it! I have worked at two other places where I was a cashier and my drawer was never that short...never short ever!


He always talks about God and how he prays for everyone, but he acts this way! If you loved God, you wouldn't treat me bad and you would fix the problems.


I think he doesn't like me, and he wants me out?


What do you all think?

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well, i'm assuming you wrote everything truthfully and did not exaggerate any parts of your story. If everything is true, then i would say he put you on that drawer just so he could then use it against you. I bet he took those 21 dollars and blamed it on you. I would even go as far as assuming he told the other old employees to make you leave. But that might be going a bit far.

I would say you're right, he wants you out. He does not like you and neither do any of the employees judging by your story. So, I say start looking for a new job. You don't want your nerves and happiness be eaten up by a crappy job when there are enough things you worry about.

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Keep in mind here, these are McDonald's managers, not NASA.


While you have this job temporarily and will move on to better things this may be their whole life and big career. (Should I mention low self esteem? Sounds like what's eating them. People with LSE tend to be bossy and lord over someone to make them feel more important. Their bad not yours.)


Just try and put their lousyness to one side and find something better.



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Yeah, I wrote everything 100% truthfully.


That same day the drawer came short I was on my break and he was like, "Are you hungry?" I said, "Maybe I don't know. I am undecided." and then he said, "I will buy you something if you have no money." I said, "I am okay."


I don't want to take anything from someone that treats me that way, just so they can balance out their behavior. He knows about my situation as far as having to pretty much provide for myself, because one day, he was like, "Maybe we should just part ways." because I told him that I didn't like the fact that when I need help a manager yells at me or is rude and such. That was once his direct response! I said, "NO. I support myself. this isn't the best job, but it will do for now."


I have talked to other people about it and they agree with me. They hate how the managers talk to them.


There is an open door policy though. Where you can call and speak with the owner and it is totally confidential. Should I use that? Or will they treat me the same way? Will they think I am just being difficult?

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