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Had sex, used a condom, but concerned


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I had sex tonight and used a condom (for the first time) filled with spermicide. Well the thing is when i was ejaculating, I didn't withdraw. While i still had it on afterwards i noticed a little sperm on the outside. (it might have been due my my erection going away).

it wasn't white just clear. And it wasn't that much at all. I'm just wondering if someone can get pregnant without direct ejaculation.


If it is possible then what can we do about it before it's too late? Fatherhood isn't in my plans for the near future.


I'm really worried and would appreciate any advice.


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I think you'll most likely be safe. Between the spermicide and the fact that it's a very small amount, the chances of her getting pregnant are slim. And it might have been lubrication (hers or the condom's) that you saw, and not ejaculate at all! If you didn't see a break anywhere, I'm thinking this is the more likely answer!



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yes, if sperm gets in the egg shes pregneat wether it comes off ur hand or your lil man ... and you did this to yourself.. abortion is wrong its murder and thats the only thing to do if she is pregneat.. its all cause and effect.. you had sex and now she may be pregneat.. but dont worry she may not be.. just get it checked out and if u really dont want the baby.. theres the morning after pill and other methods.. although it is wrong



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Hi there,


first off, yes someone can get pregnant by "non-direct" ejaculation.

second, there is something that can be done about it. it's called "the morning-after pill" or more precisely "Plan B" -levonorgestrel.

you do need a prescription for it, and you can go to any walk-in clinic or your doctor for it.


if it's after 72 hours, these pills will NOT work!!!


Good Luck!!

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Well in Canada they have places called Family planning clinics. If you phone your local hospital they would probably be able to direct you in the right direction.


When my ex had to get the morning after pill we were told that the ammount of time you had to take it has been extended to 5 days. Having said this I would still go A.S.A.P.


I'm not sure about exact details regarding why you think there was sperm on the outside, but from my experience when the lub on the condoms mixes with the natural lubricant from the female and friction is applied (ex: having sex) then it can make the mix turn white and look like semen. I have serious doubts that it was sperm on the outside of the condom but if she's not on the pill there is absolutely no sense in just assuming this and not getting the pill.

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I really don't know because I've never felt vaginal secretion. It felt greasy. A lot of the people I've told said that it must've been hers.


Before I put on the condom I felt and saw a little of the same thing on my foreskin. I thought I might've precum, but i wasn't anywhere near cumming. I checked my penis (right before I put the condom on) and there was no trace of liquid. So I doubt it came from me.


Do you think that might be the same thing?

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i would say that female cum/lubrication would be more slick than greasy. I would say that if you guys cleaned up, then there is a very very small chance that she might get pregnant. i've heard somewhere that sperm can stay alive up to like 3 or 4 days or something like that. try not to worry though, it's prolly gonna be just fine. just be more careful next time pal

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