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A "friend"


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Hi there, gonna get right to it....


Basically I have this "friend" she's always been a bit if a bad egg, into lots of different drugs (not an addict as far as I can tell but on nights out does coke, E and other stuff).

She has always treated me badly, my boyfriend at thetime tried to make me see what a toxic person she was when he saw what she was like with me but I didn't see it. We've been friends since we were about 13.


Anyway I just got back from america after spending 2 years there. Before I left I started noticing what mynow husband meant, she really is awful but I can't seem to cut her out.


While in America I contacted her and shenever ever tried to contact me, but if I left contact too long she would flip out on me. When I got back home she absolutely bombarded me and was unavoidable. Now it's her birthday night out tomorrow and I'm going because I don't want to be mean. I'd look horrible if I just said I don't want Togo out the blue without good reason. But after the party I want to cut her out, it's just that she is the type of person who will give you crap if you've fallen put and she sees you in the street. Just needs bit of advice please

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