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What do they mean by high libido

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Howzit Guys,


I'm a 15 year old South African male, who lives in the United Kindom, I'm in a wired spot at the moment, i have this chick who really likes me, and i love her quite abit, however she's got a bf, and i'm single, we plan to get together one day but for now we just flert like mad, and the odd kiss on the lips,

The other day she wrote me a letter, saying she wanted to come with me when i go back to South Africa in a few years time.

And some how we got on to the part of me and her having sex every night there.

She asked if i could keep up with her.. i said year and asked the same she told me she has high libido... sorry but what does she mean by that?


Also the other day, she asked if i would kiss her again, but with out my shirt on..ok, then i asked her if me with out a shirt would turn her on and a few other stuff.. she said no, she just gets frustrated ..again please tell me what she means by that?, she said she would get horny only if i kissed her without a shirt..lol alright then.


Thank you for any help givien.

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The only advice I can really give you is that this girl is bad news. She's playing you. How do I know this? Because she has a boyfriend. If she really liked you, she wouldn't still be with her boyfriend, she would be with you. The fact that she's doing this while she has a boyfriend shows how she has no respect for herself, you, or her boyfriend. I'm sorry to say this because I know you like her, but she's not as great as she seems. Don't you feel sorry for her boyfriend? SHe's doing this behind his back. What if she broke up with him, became your girlfriend, & then cheated on you behind your back? Its not a great feeling. I think you should stop hanging out with this girl. SHe's only using you because she knows she can. There's no doubt in my mind that what she says is fake. She's only saying the right things because she knows thats what you want to hear, it helps her get her way with you. I really wish the best for you & I would never give advice unless I really believed what i was talking about. I really think this girl is bad news. She has a boyfriend & she should be loyal to him. Wouldn't you want your girlfriend to be loyal to you??

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