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If someone is cheats on you, and you suspect it, and you question them about it......


Wouldn't you prefer it if they put their hands up and said 'yep ok, fair cop, you obviously know me better than I thought, well done.


Rather than stringing you along, making you feel guilty for not trusting them, making you feel miserable because somethings wrong, swearing they're being faithful and blaming you for being insecure.


While all the time waiting for you to slip up in some way, so they can dump you and make you feel entirely responsible.



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If someone is cheats on you, and you suspect it, and you question them about it......


Wouldn't you prefer it if they put their hands up and said 'yep ok, fair cop, you obviously know me better than I thought, well done.


Rather than stringing you along, making you feel guilty for not trusting them, making you feel miserable because somethings wrong, swearing they're being faithful and blaming you for being insecure.


While all the time waiting for you to slip up in some way, so they can dump you and make you feel entirely responsible.





Yes, of course.

Neither situation is ideal, but when someone puts an incredible amount of effort into being dishonest, and manipulating someone that s/he supposedly cares about, then that is truly creepy.


It hurts to be the person who has been manipulated and deceived, but don't fry your head over it.

When a relationship fails with a person who behaves like that, it says more about that person than it could ever do about you.


If there's a positive side to a sad scenario such as this, it's that you should be truly glad that the relationship is over, and the creep is out of your life.

No lingering what-if's! You're better off without them!!!!

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Haha, oh if only that happened to me so ideally when I caught him.


I look back and just shake my head. Of course the eventual blow up was a scene to recall with my girlfriends, but you know, the innate immoral character of a cheater leads to twisting and manipulating you anyway, so it wouldn't be surprising to see one try to lay all the blame on you and not himself. Just be glad to rid yourself of such a sociopath.

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