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Past Relationship Jealously


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Yeah seems like we pretty much have the same problem. My boyfriend tells me the same things like: He is the closest to me and I'm the first he was ever in love with, etc

We have a 6 and a half age difference between us and he had 10 more sexual experiences than I've had and I'm taking it pretty hard.

It's easy for me to hold a grudge when he shouldn't have been so stupid to tell me things like that. He said it was overexaggerated too -but I know there's some truth to it in those stories.

It also doesn't help that his family had a ignorant habit of casually mentioning his ex's and said very hurtful things -assuming it didn't bother me (when my family would never do anything like that to him because they have common sense.)

I try to look at myself positively and think of myself as beautiful but I always secretly wonder about his past experiences and how each of them are better than me in different ways.

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It's pretty simple.


Neither of you are virgins. He said some things. They bother you. That's normal. If you keep bringing them up, or don't do the work to get past them, then the relationship is OVER.


What do you expect him to say when you bring these things up? Should he apologize for the rest of his life?


If it's too much for you, then walk away.


If you decide to go to therapy and want to work at it, then do that. There's no right or wrong answer for us.


Who he slept with doesn't matter. Who he sleeps with NOW does matter.

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Thanks TutleDove.

I really really appreciate your posts.

I've been feeling better lately and it helps to be able to talk about it and know your not the only person in the world feeling like this.


He knows he made a stupid mistake and I want to forgive him and move past this. We are perfect for each other and I know for a fact we can get through this. I just get very frusterated with myself when I get down over it.


I need to be patient and understand that it takes time to forgive someone. You have to go through all of the emotions until you are exhausted enough to say "I forgive you"


I also know that my low self esteem isn't helping this situation. But I want to work on that as well.


Thanks again.

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