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Rush in or Wait

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I've been meaning to ask out this girl for a while now and we both like each other (well love ) and I'm afraid she might ask me out before I ask her, I was going to ask her before she left for a five day trip but I decided to hold off, now when she comes back I will only have half the day with her and part of the next, because I have to leave for two weeks . My question is, should I ask her when she comes back or should I ask her when I come back? Thanks Again !! P.S. If I do ask her out it will most likely be at my friends pool or her patio bench (which is better?).

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You can plan all you want, but you just gotta do it when the timings right. If you try to set up all these things you'll just be putting more pressure on yourself and this'll increase the chances of you not even asking her out, because most likely it won't work out the way you planned. From what I read tho, you seem to have this girls attention so what're you waiting for man. Keep the fire going before she assumes your not interested and moves on, then it'll be too late.

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