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Emptiness is all around me.....

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Hello all. This is my first time to visit this forum and my very first post. You know, the Forum may state all over it "You are not alone", but wow, I turn around and look, and it sure seems like I am. My ex-wife and I divorced nearly 4 years ago. This year I moved away from her and kids (we were living in the same city). I am not close to my family that raised me, and dont suspect I ever will be really, too much to really explain there now, and so, here I am, in my new house, new city, alone, and knowing only a very few people. For the past 15 years there has been a certain emptiness inside me, but it has never loomed over me like this before. It seems I have nothing but work that I dont like (pays well - but dont like), and an empty house which personifies my empty life.


Well, anyway, that is me and my feelings. Care to know more, let me hear from you.



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  • 7 months later...

hi there thumper have you tried pursuing hobbies or joining clubs. Perhaps going to parties, nightclubs maybe even a dating service perhaps lol anything really. Like you said new house, new city most importantly new people! Try to socialise more meet new people. I also think it is important that you try to see your family visit the children especially if they are your own.

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I have to agree with seeing your children. I was only with my ex 4 years and we've only been apart for 3 months but if it wasn't for my son I probably wouldn't be here anymore. My son makes life worth living even though everything else in my life is enough to make me just give up!

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hi thumper,

i agree whole heartedly with triksta. you need to get out doing things that you enjoy to meet people. sports, cultural events, whatever floats your boat. life is really too short not to enjoy it and there are a myriad things you could be doing that will help you have fun and meet people. there are travel clubs, ski clubs, volleyball and tennis clubs, wine tastings, MENSA if you're highly intelligent. all kinds of things. figure out what makes you tick and don't waste any more time taking life for granted.


maybe you should make a list of all of the things that you want to do in your life and start doing them. don't just look for women, look to make friends. you can't count on a relationship to work for sure, but friends are more likely to stick around.


best of luck

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