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What is it i'm afraid of ?


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Okay, so i've been talking to this guy for about 2-3 days now and turns out we have alot in common. Which is good because I rarley find anyone that has the same interest as me. We've talked on the phone for hours about anything and everything. We haven't even see each other yet and its like we clicked right from the start. I like the way our conversations are going. He makes me laugh and sometimes has a serious side. We both are looking for the same thing. It feels like that I've known him forever. He said the same about me. Were both are too excited and happy that everything is clicking. And were already callilng each other babe or baby or sweety. He's from Morocoo. Were both muslim. Really good looking If anyone has ever been with a Morocoo man or even dated one if anyone can give me any insight on how Morocoo men really are it be really helpfull because I barley know anything about this. But there is one problem.


I always tend to screw up anything that goes right and I dont know why. And want to avoid doing this also. I really like him and he said he likes me too. I know in life there are always risks to take but at the same time I want to avoid of ever getting hurt and thats what I'm afriad of. We have a good open and honest communication. He talks about meeting his parents one day and meeting the friends but thats when the timeing comes. I want to be able to fully trust and put myself out there but having a hard time doing so. Especially when it comes to my trust issues. And I told him my trust issues and he's fully undertanding about everything, fully supportive of me going back to school. So what is wrong with me here ?


Here I am talking to this great man that has entered my life what is it i'm afraid of ? I dont wanna show him that i'm scared or afraid of anything because I try for it not to bother me. But it does somehow.

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It's not always the fear of failure, sometimes people run from the fear of success also; like we're so afraid of everything going so right because we're not accustomed to that. We don't want to be disappointed, but if we are to, we'd much rather catch it in the early stages rather than sometime late in the game after we've already invested. Nobody on this board can convince you not to be afraid, let me say this, don't be. If you see something special about this guy, I think you really need to swallow your pride or fear and do like everybody would encourage you too, TRY. What's the worse that could really happen to you? Exactly. Nothing. You have an opportunity. Take advantage of it while you can before you no longer can.

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