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"morningtide meadow"


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I sit aside this flowing creek

the sounds that linger.. a feeling so deep

the fast past movement of a river that babbles

the call of a songbird, looking for love.

maybe a raven.. or perhaps a dove.

a dragonfly brushes accross me.

he flies.. his world limited by his wings.


i thought i saw a turtle poke out his head.

its actually some animal.. it looks like its dead.

a few paces away lies a garden of wildflowers.

theres a nice healthy tree.. he guards... An honorable giant


i lay in the flowers and look into the clouds.

i sit up to my knees i look to my left and see you.


for a brief minuite I feel ok again.. just becuase your here.


It was so nice to remember all the fun we had and all the time we shared.

"Its where I belong you said" and I never forgotten


but then everything became so horrible.. so rotten..


and since that day, the day you vanished.

this darkness, the vile air.. into death ive been banished.


out of anger I yell.. then i start to cry.

I grasp my chest.. I keep asking.. over and over "why"


Im sure Ill know the answer in my own time

after I calm.. when the tears are gone.


Ill never love another.. I promise!

but your not here to hear that are you.

your gone.... just me imagining again.


such a scene to open your heart again.. the emerald brook, all these beautiful flowers.. arent they so lovely?

and the tree. This mighty tree.. he watches over all thats here.. the wildlife sure to pay their respects.


the energy that flows in this place.. full of magic and warmth.


it still wont take away the pain.. it just wont go away..

im loney and empty..

Life has broken my heart

My heart is truly broken..


I cant think anymore... I have to go now.

I have to try to get through another day.

I love you and will miss you.


I brought you more flowers.. these are daisies.

i know you like flowers.. but you wont take them.


I miss you


I Love you.



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