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friends for 2 years but she wants me to take her v-card

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so i was talking to a friend of mine who i've been attracted to, and we started to start a relationship when we first met, but decided to be friends. this girl recently has been screwed over by all the guys she's been with and i've been the only guy whos shes been able to trust and recently shes been wanting to lose her virginity, and jokingly she was like "so.. wanna have sex haha" and it was like an awkward moment, and things lead to one another and we ended up on the phone until 4 in the morning talking about sex, and she wants us to have sex. i'm leaving for the military in august and this is supposed to be taken to the grave. i dont know if i should do this or not. i dont want to lose our friendship and all, so i dont know if this will complicate things. any advice as to what to do?


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omg dude that sounds like me allmost.

what branch lol? i leave in july.


i dunno bro depends on how strong your friendship is.

it's really confusing subject both pros and cons.


but you gotta asked your self whats more important.

gotta go through pro's and con's.


if your to afraid something will happen to your friendship you should disscuss it.


and if you do decide i make some boundry rules.

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its just, our friendship wasnt like we hung out all the time, we spent alot of our free periods together, and we talked off and on about really deep stuff, and vented to each other about our relationships, and just got to know each other really well and told each other deepest darkest secrets and stuff like that.

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I'm guessing she knows youll be leaving for the military? Thats not a good sitution for any kind of relationship. Your going to be expierencing so many things and you dont know whats going to happen, I have expierence! Why would she want to just "loose" her virginity, if she thinks your the only guy shes ever gonna trust she's wrong, you need to point out, she will meet somebody someday, ask if she would she regret loosing it with you? Whats the rush on loosing it? Im sure you want to, ya are a guy! But if ya think about it this could be bad for your friendship, or, it could be good for a relationship, if she trusts you why doesnt she want to be your girlfriend? You could wait until you get back, see if she still wants to?

These are things I'd be thinking about, just suggestions! Good Luck.

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well its not really like we're going to progress our relationship to dating. its just she wants to lose her virginity with me because im the guy she trusts the most with something like this right now, and she knows im going into the Marines.

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don't do it. You'll be a pretty bad friend if you did.


You'd be surprised at how many chance for sex you'll have in the military. Thousands of relationships have been lost because of the 5 branches. Drill Sergeants included. I've seen it, and experienced it. Don't do it.

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