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Taking a girl to a movie on monday, What should we see?

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I don't know what movie to take her to as a first date?


Around the world in 80 days


shrek 2


stepford wives


harry potter

Chronicles of Riddick, The

day after tomorrow


raising helen


the girl im taking is 15 and im 16.Thanx for your help.

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my suggestion of all of those would be Dodgeball, i've seen it, it's hilarious!!! laughter is always a good thing to have happen on a first date. You don't want it to be all serious and stuff. keep things light.


Good luck.

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Well I would pick Raising Helen.. just because I love Kate Hudson..

Dodgeball would be good because I hear its hilarious & good. Shrek 2 is a good idea, however she may not be into the Shrek movies, so that would be a good thing to figure out before deciding on that. I don't know much about Raising Helen, but from what I do know, I'm guessing its a chick flick, so I think she would enjoy it since she's a young girl. Maybe see if there's anything in particular that she was wanting to see. If she doesn't care, then I would go with either Raising Helen or Dodgeball.

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