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i only like asian girls why so

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It seems everytime i see a girl i want to ask her out. problem is they have to be asian. iam not asian iam white. am 14 going on 15 havent dated a girl ever. In delaware where i live there arent many asians there is one in my school. So it seems i will not get a date becasue they are all white girls. what should i do i mean. i dont find white girls at all atrractive or any other race except asian. I like asians because its seems they are always sweet and small. I love the eyes. SMOOTH skin. ANd they are always smart. ok these are my opinions. Does anyone have this problem with the love of asian girls or any way to help me out.

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Everyone has their own choice when it comes to men or women. White, black, asian etc. Black hair, brown hair, blonde hair etc


Its upto u. I also find many asian woman attractive. Im in Manchester and there are many asians around here. I find some of the girls look like princesses, some are very beautiful.


Go for whoever turns u on mate.

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Yeah, there are actually a lot of people who like asian girls. And I'm asian and like white guys, so it's nice being in a summer school where there are only like three asian girls. ^^** But ANYWAYS...


If you don't like any girls in your school, don't go for them just because you want a girlfriend. You're only 15. That's--I know you probably hate to hear it--young! But for now, do try to get to know the personality of girls even if they're not asian. You might fall for their personality eventually and it won't matter what race they are.

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You know what they say:


Once you go asian you can't do caucasian. lol


People always have preferences attraction wise. Don't worry about it.


Maybe moveout of your suburb and to China (lol).


If you marry an asian lady you will have beautiful eurasian kids. They will very likely look like something out of a Manga cartoon.


Personally Ive got a thing for slavs. Something about those mysterious sleepy half closed eyes, tanned skin and wide foreheads.

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You're in luck young one. Asian girls love white guys. (True Story.)


Her parents will love ya' too as long as you are going to college.(They want the best for their children.) I too love Asian girls(Any girl really will do.) and have found out they are pretty into white guys so no worries just find one that's into you. Try your luck bud.



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You know what they say:


Once you go asian you can't do caucasian. lol


People always have preferences attraction wise. Don't worry about it.


Maybe moveout of your suburb and to China (lol).


If you marry an asian lady you will have beautiful eurasian kids. They will very likely look like something out of a Manga cartoon.


Personally Ive got a thing for slavs. Something about those mysterious sleepy half closed eyes, tanned skin and wide foreheads.


I decided to look up what a eurasian is, and im kind of shocked.

Im half Slav/ half english, but a few people have called me eurasian in the past. Looking at a eurasian and looking at myself i see the resemblence. I can see slight differences between eurasians, myself and Slavs, but they all look fairly similiar to me (stereotypically - obviously people don't look the same). I know im not eurasian, but this sounds kind of strange... and this mistake kind of sounds creditable... I look kind of eurasian, but because of my half Slav'ness... strange.

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I don't really think that for Asian women, it's a matter of race or not. Some Asian women do however, only prefer white men. Like my cousins. That's all that they will ever go for. They tell me personally, and they will slap it in their traditional parent's face, even if their parents are against it. Me personally, I like a guy who I can bond with, who I'm attracted to: mentally, physically, and emotionally. I don't have a general preference, but I dig Latin men for the time being. Some Rico Suaves are just too irressistably cute. Especially with their eyes, and their sense of humor! LoL! Plus, I enjoy their culture and dancing to their music (merengue). I've casually dated men from the: Latin race (one was a serious relationship), Asian, Phillipino, once with a half Itallian American/African American, and have yet to date a Caucasian. All of my ex's happened to be Asian American, and one Latino. I think that the experience of dating 'inter-racially' taught me that underneath it all, we're all human, and just want to find that special someone to be happy with.


I think it's more of a personal preference. I also think that differences is what attracts people to each other. Perhaps values are also an important 'determing factor.' My cousin's values are not as traditional. I am semi-traditional, so I'll look for someone who has semi-traditional values. Not extreme though. It's as if this 'inter-racial' mix is intriguing, because once we date our partners, exclusively, it's fun to imagine how our kids will turn out.


If you're having a hard time finding the asian women around your area, then perhaps you can wait until college. Move out to Southern Cali. There's a whole mess of us out here. Not as much in the urban cities, like in L.A. But there's a lot in the O.C. area, not as much in the suburbs, such as south part of Orange County, but enough.


Interesting topic. Good luck to you Wing Wha. Mahlina

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Wing Wha,


P.S., One more thing: If you want to know a good way to approach us Asian women, I think that it's best to be 'polite' and curteous. I think that Asian women, just women in general, DO NOT prefer 'cocky' men. We like a guy who's confident, but not cocky. Humbleness is a turn-on. Cockyness is a turnoff. Granted, you'll have some chicks who dig cockyness, but that's a small percentage, I think. Who wants to stick around with a jerk, numb-skull, right? It's just like guys not liking cocky women either. Who wants to be around self-absorbed people? After a while, people just get sick and tired of that kind of attitude.


Another suggestion: Be yourself. Meaning, enjoy being you. Also, a BIG PLUS, is if you show enough interest to 'learn' about 'new' things. That's the best part of dating others, outside of your own race. You get to embrace differences. If you can learn a few vacabulary, lines, or phrases, in a certain Asian language, then I think that any guy who can speak a 2nd language (in general) is a turn-on, especially if he can speak my language, and seeks out the opportunity to learn/try new foods/new things.


That's what I enjoyed most with my ex, was him trying to learn new phrases in a different language. That's what made him so adorable, and stand out from the rest of the guys that I've dated. As long as you're being polite, curteous, open-minded, confident/humble, then chances are: your approach to us will be 'positive'. I think this preference goes for most women in general.

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get to know other girls dude... forget asain... forget race... for eat eyes or smooth skin... trust me get to know the inside.. i mean if an asian girl came up to you and acted wrong you wouldn't date her... rigth? so personatilty always prevails.. forget the attrative or not.. if you get to know other girls and you get to know thier personailty you'll find them attractive on the inside then eventually on the outside... trust me! pAST EXPERIANCES!!!

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As an asian I not surprised that I am generally attracted to asian females. However recently over the past 4 or 5 weeks I have found myself sometimes gazing at some hot indian girls. Even though there is a huge indian population here in Sydney in the past I wouldn't be attracted to Indians, but it seems now that I see mega hot Indian women nearly every day. It's unlikely that I'd be able to start a conversation though because I am too shy.

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sounds ike you guys no what you saying. especially melinda. coming from a asian girl thats great. but i probably wouldnt go out with just any asian girl your right about that. but still to this day i havent seen an asian i didnt want to go out with strange huh. but thanks for all the advice.


"THE ETERNAL WING WHA my favorite chinese restaruant fallen in the city of wilmington"

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  • 1 year later...

I agree with bluetooth on this one. This is a weird thread (all Asian girls like white guys?). And learning Asian languages to pick up an Asian women? What if she was born here and only speaks English? That wouldn't be a very good strategy. It might be downright offensive.

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Asian girls are NOT always sweet or smart. That is just a sterotype and anyone who gets to know Asians finds that they really are not much different from the rest of us. We are more or less the same.


There are some Asian girls who are sweet, but also some who are real ##$#$# !!!!! And there are also white and submissive white girls too, and girls of other races.


I think you should stop caring what race the girls are, and start focusing on which girls do you have the most similarities with. Similarity is very important in a relationship.




It seems everytime i see a girl i want to ask her out. problem is they have to be asian. iam not asian iam white. am 14 going on 15 havent dated a girl ever. In delaware where i live there arent many asians there is one in my school. So it seems i will not get a date becasue they are all white girls. what should i do i mean. i dont find white girls at all atrractive or any other race except asian. I like asians because its seems they are always sweet and small. I love the eyes. SMOOTH skin. ANd they are always smart. ok these are my opinions. Does anyone have this problem with the love of asian girls or any way to help me out.
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