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Oh my gosh...he broke NC!

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I did NOT expect this in a million years...


He text just now saying 'You know one of the main reasons I left you was because of me going away. I knew I was going last year x'


Last thing he text me was in march saying 'Maybe cuz you were seeing someone else whist going out with me. I can't be dealing with some pshyco chick. We are not together, so don't text me. I don't care about you, or your family after what you did to me and my family. So goodbye and f you.'


We broke up in Jan. I ended it. Please please read my other topics to see what happened. He got a gf in march. We stopped seeing eachother in feb.


Would really love some detailed responses... Still quite shocked... you should have seen my face!!

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Sorry. I ended in in jan because he was lying to me for a long time. Regretted my decision immediately but he didn't want me back. I wanted to get back with him ever since. I can't say I've 'moved on' but I'm better in myself and my life has actually greatly improved (I got a horse, see my mum more often etc, work alot more). I'd love to be with him again...we just..click. But he's moved away..which would be tricky. And I don't get any vibes that he wants to be with me.

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You two may click, but at what expense? And do you really? Because when two people share a solid, deep connection - They don't chronically lie, say intentionally hurtful things, sleep with you and toss you to the side. Apparently, you've done something that you're unaware of, and you were punished for it. Sounds like a twisted mind game, pass-the-responsibility-buck kind of game.


My guess is that it's problematic over there on his end with the girl. People love to do that. Reach into the hat and pull out a name when things turn rocky.


You're doing better. Don't toss that away for a minute chance to be with a jerk.

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You two may click, but at what expense? And do you really? Because when two people share a solid, deep connection - They don't chronically lie, say intentionally hurtful things, sleep with you and toss you to the side. Apparently, you've done something that you're unaware of, and you were punished for it. Sounds like a twisted mind game, pass-the-responsibility-buck kind of game.


You're doing better. Don't toss that away for a minute chance to be with a jerk.


Agreed. And that last line is really something you should read over and over until you get the picture.

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