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A week since the break up going on to 4th day of no contact being dumped over religion really hurts. And I know we'll never get back together


Just last Monday he held me and told me he loves me. And now we don't even talk it's so hard I still don't fully understand it. How he could do it.

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Im so sorry. It's all of the questions that make it so much worse. I have even thought, that if asked, they wouldn't know the answer to half of them either.


A week is nothing. This might scare you, but during the first break up with me ex, it took me 4 months to feel remotely normal. I didn't do the right things though. I locked myself in my room for a month and did nothing. Looking back, that was not good.


Starting to go out again was hard. At the end of the night I couldn't wait to get home to release the tears that had been building up all night. But you get used to it.


I can promise that it does get better. I know you can believe me 100%, because it just doesn't feel like it will. To be honest, I have a hard time believe it too even though I know it gets easier because I have experienced it.


What have you been doing with your time?

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Yeah and I am so afraid that I am going to feel this bad a year down the line.


I haven't been doing much I sort of have to just let it all out it's hard to do anything else at the moment but I am planning to go shopping and get new hair style

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Yeah and I am so afraid that I am going to feel this bad a year down the line.


I haven't been doing much I sort of have to just let it all out it's hard to do anything else at the moment but I am planning to go shopping and get new hair style


That will help, I did that too. I used to think that way too but it just happens. When I "let go" the first time I knew it. You just know when it happens. That is when you really begin to heal. For me, after this came moments of feeling ok and even good again and that was a shock to me because I was used to feeling so down.

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Yes they are. What I try and do in the mornings is stuff around the house. Picking up, doing a load of laundry, dishes, etc..... Put on some music that has no memories tied to it and is upbeat, etc.... Nights you can keep busy by reading, watching tv, movie. It is going to bed and closing your eyes that I am looking for the answer to!

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You are right about that.


For late nights, I try to exhaust myself right before bed so I go to sleep right away.

Some nights, I just stay up late on my computer or exercise and I'll be out like a light when I hit my bed.


For the mornings, whenever I wake up, I try to immediately get out of bed so avoid the lingering feelings. From then, just get on with your daily deeds.

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Yeah late at night watching a movie and that really does help but as soon as some cheesy scene comes on it's annoying lol.


Mornings I am trying to get up straight away and distract myself. It's helping a little but still a lot of time things feel very empty.

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