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Guys opinion needed for this question

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Hi....im a 20 year old female and constantly find myself attracted to guys that are alot more mature than me, and are probably 26-32 years old.

I suppose i like the age difference because its like they can be protective of me and can take care of me! corny i know!


BUT...guys that are older dont really want to get into a relationship with me because they think im too young. So my question is........Are there any men out there that do prefer a younger girl....?

And also..is being five years or more a turn off to a guy?



This would help me alot because maybe i should stop liking older men and go for someone my own age. What do u boys think?


Please help!

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Are there any men out there that do prefer a younger girl....?


you have got to be kidding, right?


okay, I'll assume you're not kidding. I don't think a woman being attracted to slightly older guys is strange at all. pretty common, really. women are more mature than men their age, sometimes significantly more.


I remember seeing some advice on this point once. it was a formula that purported to be some sort of ancient love wisdom. the formula was to calculate the correct age difference in a relationship. it is: man's age in half, then add seven.


I think these relationships work better because the parties are on a more equal footing as far as emotional maturity. there are certainly some guys who might shy away, either because they think you're too young (wouldn't have anything in common, etc.), or because they're unwilling to believe that someone that much younger than them could be interested. if you act like a stereotypical 20 year old girl (which I doubt), then you're not gonna get much serious relationship consideration from an older guy. if you're mature, I think you'd find that lots of them would be up for it.

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Um, thats fine and a lot of guys like younger girls. Age gap is simply that, an age gap. Just because you weren't born in the same year as someone, doesn't mean you can't fall in love with them. Theres nearly 4 years between my g/f and I and we nor anyone else have a problem with it.

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From what I've seen there are lots of men that like younger women, but in my opinion, often these men have control issues, and want someone much younger who will look up to them, and let them be in the driver's seat. That's not always the case, and even if it is, not necessarily anything wrong with it I guess. Than you have your much older guys who go for the women 20 years or more younger than them - and I think those guys are basically pervs wanting a trophy on their arm.


I myself tend to date guys a little bit younger than me...I don't seek them out, but those are the ones that seem to be attracted to me more often than not, and I'm not sure why. I'm talking three to seven year differences sometimes. There does seem to be a bit of a difference in the younger guys - they're usually more lighthearted, affectionate, fun-loving, and not set in their ways and stubborn. Much more spontaneous. Of course, not always all that dependable.

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hi Bluebird

i'm 35 & dated younger girls most of the time,at 28 i dated a 20 year old for 3 years then at 32 another 20 year old for 3 years,i wasn't sure about it the 2nd time as i thought too much of a gap.Being with a younger girl is far from a turn off as long as she's on the same level but what i will tell you from my experience is that i found in both relationships as they got to the age 23/24 they thought differently about things & i think that between 20 & 24 people do change a lot,up to a 7 year gap would not bother a guy but as the gap gets bigger than that the more he will think twice,go for someone between 24 & 27 is my advice, good luck

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