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I kissed someone and eventually fessed up, Now he may leave..


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My boyfriend and I have been together for two years.


He went away.... sopposed to be away for a couple years. Within the first six months I flirted and kissed someone else once.


I am incredubly sorry for this. It was a huge mistake on my part.


Now I don't know how to 'fix' our relationship.

Before this we have been happy with eachother, completely in love...

We have had difficulties ofcourse...


What in the world can I do to help make this awfull situation better?


Anyone who was cheated on have any advice??

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Well, for starters I'll give you props for confessing what you did.


To be honest, it's really based on what your bf thinks from this point forward. Trust is very important in a relationship, and once it's been broken it's really hard to gain it back.


However, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Just like everything else, it takes time. You can try to convince him that it will never happen again, but you have to sincerely mean it. You can also go to couples counseling if that's possible.


The ball is really in his court at this point. Hope it works out for you.

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My boyfriend and I have been together for two years.


He went away.... sopposed to be away for a couple years. Within the first six months I flirted and kissed someone else once.


I am incredubly sorry for this. It was a huge mistake on my part.


Now I don't know how to 'fix' our relationship.

Before this we have been happy with eachother, completely in love...

We have had difficulties ofcourse...


What in the world can I do to help make this awfull situation better?


Anyone who was cheated on have any advice??



Is he still away? I've deployed three times now and have seen what distance can do My unit ran a 92% divorce rate after five years and just about all of it had to do with infidelity at some level. Truth be told if he is still away it's going to be near impossible for him to learn to trust you again without you by his side. It may very well pull him away.


Like someone else said, kudos on fessing up at least but now it's all in his hands.

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Is he still away? I've deployed three times now and have seen what distance can do My unit ran a 92% divorce rate after five years and just about all of it had to do with infidelity at some level. Truth be told if he is still away it's going to be near impossible for him to learn to trust you again without you by his side. It may very well pull him away.


Like someone else said, kudos on fessing up at least but now it's all in his hands.


My boyfriend and I have been together for two years.


He went away.... sopposed to be away for a couple years. Within the first six months I flirted and kissed someone else once.


I am incredubly sorry for this. It was a huge mistake on my part.


Now I don't know how to 'fix' our relationship.

Before this we have been happy with eachother, completely in love...

We have had difficulties ofcourse...


What in the world can I do to help make this awfull situation better?


Anyone who was cheated on have any advice??



---Actually the first thing I thought about when u said he was going away, was prison, but military sounds like the better guess. 2 years is a long time to stay committed when you are not married and only have 2 years behind you. You are not married - if you two were so sure you could keep 2 years of LD up, why didn't you get married before he left.

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Yes, he has went away to Prison.

We didn't marry because it was a hard time for us both.


Plus the crime happened before we met and it was something I was learning to cope with and eventually overcome.


Now I do fear that I have ruined this.


Yes, he is still áway, and I think he may be gone for quite some time. Another year perhaps. I want to wait. I will wait.


What I did was completely nonsence. I was so caught up in the negatives of the sitution and I liked the attention i was getting. Selfish I know.


I hope I can build the trust back up between us. I know that I NEVER will do what I did.


That is the one thing I learned from my ''doubt'' that I am completely devoted to my man. Hopefully he stays my man...


Thank you for all your advice.

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