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I feel like dying.


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I'm sure in my case my boyfriend did it for me at first. But that was fine with me because I had faith that he would eventually grow his own relationship with God. I helped him every step of the way and was very patient with him.. he had a lot of guilt and depression about his past and my religion also offered him a way to learn how to forgive himself and start new. (Because that is kind of what Christianity and Jesus being crusified is all about-- forgiveness and cleansing of the spirit, starting new) so my bf grew his own attachment to God. We were talking about 'what if one of us dies one day' and he said *without me asking* that he would just continue living with God as his support. That's when I knew it had become something of his own heart, not something he did for my sake.


I think your boyfriend was immature because he didn't even give you a shot. He should have been patient and understanding with you.. tried to slowly introduce you to his ways and see if you like it or not. Instead he gave you an ultimatum and then just dumped you, while giving you the impression that the whole thing is Jesus' fault, causing you to resent Christianity. That is not how a Christian should act, in my opinion.


Wow, sorry for my ramble =S

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Exactly see if he did what you have done for your boyfriend with me who knows what could of happened. But instead he decides to just leave me and concentrate on himself. And I agree it's not a Christian act because he always told me about compassion, patience understanding and he did none of it.

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