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Looking to get over that Ex?

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Now I noticed that a lot of people here like to feel sorry for them selves after a break up. It's normal, but I feel when you let this process go on for too long; it's time to do something about it.


Are you tired of being used? Tired of caring about the ex? Good, here some advice you might want to follow. It's what I use to get over a lot of stuff in my life.


1. If something doesn't work out with the person you're with, WHO CARES? If they leave you, let it be. There are tons of people out there! You should be happy; you get to be with someone new and exciting!


2. Remember people are selfish; don't always wonder if your ex is thinking about you. In fact don't worry about it at all! This is time you need to be selfish for yourself. Don't give the ex more power than they already have!


3. If you think someone you meet is interested in you, then let it happen. If they are truly into you they will show it. Take it simple.


4. Listen to your heart, if something seems wrong in a relationship the chances are very high something is up!


5. Don't put up with peoples crap. You have to respect yourself, know that you are better than that.


6. Hold your ex accountable for their actions; she left you? Don't let her call you and make you feel like crap. Don't pick up the phone. Do whatever you want to. Bottom line is, do not hang on them! LET THEM GO, they did that to you. YOU ARE BETTER THAN THAT!


Remember people, no one is better than you. Stand your ground.



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what you're saying makes perfect sense!!! Now if i can only begin to do all of those things!! any advice on how to let go??


I think my problem is that i fall too quickly! and it seems that my feelings are never reciprocated. rejection is probably one of the hardest things people have to deal with. whether it be a job interview, a loan, whatever, but i think the hardest type of rejection is in the relationship department.

Whenever i get rejected, i can't help but think : "what did I do wrong"?

"what's wrong with me"? "why don't they like me"? never once thinking that it may be them. you know that old cliche? "it's not you, it's me"?

well, sometimes it is that person and not you!!!!

It's very hard not to take it personally though!!!


that's the boat i'm in right now!!! plus i have no idea WHERE to go to meet new people. I'm getting too old for the bar scene, i've tried online dating services, i've done the whole blind date thing, gone to the library, laundromat, sporting events, craft classes, you name it, i've tried it!!!


I just seem to run into guys that are out for one thing, and one thing only!!!!


Doesn't anyone want a relationship these days? Is monogamy dead?

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