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Should I go?

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A guy friend of mines (one who I have feelings for) just invited me to a sleepover (party) at his house because there is going to be alcohol involved. Note that he does not have any feelings for me and when I ask him who is going to be at the party he said mostly girls. I still have feelings for him and I also know that he really wants me to go. But my parents usually don't let me go to sleepovers or parties, especially when alcohol is involved. I also know that he might take this opportunity to have either vaginal or oral sex with me (because he is a virgin) and I do not want that. Having said that, with alcohol in the mix anything could happen. I also know that I might not be able to say no to him even if I am sober, because I am the kind of person to let my emotions/feelings get in the way of things. I also do not think that I am ready to see him with a bunch of other girls. I know that I have not moved on over him yet. But if I do not go, then I do not know when we can hang out and see each other next. If I do go, I get a chance test my willpower. I do not know what I should do. My head is going around in circles. He complains that I always say no when he asks me to do things with him. It is so hard for us to find time to hang out together now. *Sigh*


What should I do? Please help me decide. Any advice or suggestions is welcome.

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Er, don't test your willpower when alcohol is involved. If anything, most people do these gradually and in steps. You said it yourself that you haven't moved on over him yet, so why set yourself up in tricky situations? Don't go and opt for grabbing lunch sometime, or ice cream with other friends. Obviously, you're still emotionally attached to him, otherwise you would just not go.

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