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how will he react??

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Hey guys, if a friend of yours came up and admitted that she had a crush on you, would it freak you out?? Would you see her any differently or even consider getting to know her?? the reason i need to know is the guy i'm friends with graduates in 2 months, and then he's leaving, so i would love to tell him how i feel, but i don't want to ruin the friendship that we have. any help would definitely be appreciated

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its hard to tell because im not sure what kind of friendship you have with him. if Iam currently single and a female friend comes up to me and says she has a crush on me id probably like that a lot. but do you think your his type? one thing is being friends another is being a couple. if you think your the kind of girl he likes, then i say go for it, if you dont do it, and he ends up with another girl, you may regret you passed up the opportunity when you had the chance.

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I experienced a very simliar situation. I ended up really liking this girl but my shyness just completely led her to think I didn't. I never persued her because after about a month of us just hanging out every once-in-a-while, she either moved on (assuming she liked me) or found someone whom she did like.


Id say I regret not telling her. I am happy where I am, but I feel that I should have at least let her known how I felt. unfortunately we haven't made much of an effort to keep our friendship going, but I do see her often (in school) and we're still very friendly to one another, but who knows... could have been more.

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