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bloody confused!!


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origanal post....it would need to be read to understand what im talking about here, sorry




i was on msn today and seen my ex signed in, i thought ill wait see if he says hi, but he said nothing!! i never spoke to him.... the reason im confused is...for the 2 weeks i was there we had sex, even though we were finsihed, he acted just like when we were together, when i left he said wed stay friends, he was the 1 that said for me to come back again not to waste my flight, we have talked through text and he knows im still going.... so why did he ignore me!! what the hell is all that about? any ideas?

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I slept with my ex Saturday too. Then Sunday she ignored me. I've finally decided to just go no contact. They obviously don't want to be together right now, and I'm going to stay away and make them realize what they lost. Same goes for you. He just doesn't care as much as you want him too.


You ever been with a guy that you just didn't care about too much? You didn't go out of your way to explain things and keep plans I'm sure. He's doing the same thing toyou.

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origanal post....it would need to be read to understand what im talking about here, sorry




i was on msn today and seen my ex signed in, i thought ill wait see if he says hi, but he said nothing!! i never spoke to him.... the reason im confused is...for the 2 weeks i was there we had sex, even though we were finsihed, he acted just like when we were together, when i left he said wed stay friends, he was the 1 that said for me to come back again not to waste my flight, we have talked through text and he knows im still going.... so why did he ignore me!! what the hell is all that about? any ideas?


I would suggest no sleeping with an ex. It makes you more attached. He might be ignoring you because he is busy or doesn't want to talk right now. The important thing for you to remember is it's not going to do you any good to hold him to any particular standards when he's treating you in a way you don't feel you deserve. Essentially, you need to recognize that you can decide to put up with being ignored or walk.

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the thing is... i told him to text me if he was with someone else... to let me know b4 i went, hes said nothing, he knows im going, so why dint he at least say sunt, hes the 1 that said wed be friends, its confusing me!!


I hate to be blunt, but he's fair game. If you think it's wrong for him to date, don't sleep with him. Please stop letting yourself feel like a victim here.

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i wasnt looking for him on msn, he was on there when i signed in...i only have a few contacts and he was at the top of the list...i had hoped he would at least say something. i agree too with msdarcy, n shes right, but the thing is im going out to collect my stuff and yes im hoping maybe we can fix things, i love this gy very much, so this is not the normal sort of situ , im confused and dont know how to deal with this. i never asked to go back there, that was him, im gonna be there a week, and well to ignore me when he knows all this is just being crappy

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i dont think its wrong for him to date, i think its maybe a bit soon but thats my opinion. but he could at least wait till ive collected my things...and gone, im staying with him, if hes dating what the hell am i supposed to do, where does he think hes gonna take his date.... back to his caravan with me there!!

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hes not said hes with anyone anyway, its all getting a bit confusing


I don't think it needs to be confusing. Whenever you see him, speak directly about your concerns. Tell him that you think you two can work things out, that you don't want him dating others, etc. If you are unsure of anything, you need to talk to him to get clarity and then hold him to what he says. You also need to tell him that him ignoring you is confusing and why.

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