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The Tao of Me


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So, after a much needed break, I'm back. Sort of. I don't know how involved in conversations I will get, but I'll start with this.


After some contemplation, I decided these were my major issues:



Not Sleeping well

Difficulty in forgiving people

Not listening to people.

Caring more about accomplishment than people.



And the sad part is, I KNOW what's holding me back, in most cases. I UNDERSTAND the behavior, but I CAN'T STOP.


It reminds me of a time when I really struggled with my golf game, because I was gripping the club too tightly, and I knew that was the problem, but I just couldn't stop. It's like something, either my mind or my body, was overriding my will. That's how it feels now.


I decided to seek professional help. Of course the state of mental health treatment where I am means my appointment is not for a month. Hope I don't go off the deep end before then (j/K). This is not unusual for specialists. To get an appt with a new dermatologist, might take 3 months. Maybe they think it will clear up before then.


So anyway, I overate again last night. I was doing well up to that point. I had about 800 calories up till dinnertime. But circumstances and bad choices ruled the day. Long and short is I didn't eat until late, and I was HUNGRY, and made a bad food choice (no time to prepare a healthy meal) and it was soooo good I just kept eating. And as a result, I didn't sleep through the night. ugh.


Otherwise, I caught myself in one of the not listening traps yesterday, but that at least is something. I spent most of the day at work avoiding people. No chance of that today. I'll spend ALL day engaged with people, I just hope it doesn't wear me out.

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Yesterday was sort of funny. At the end of the day, my thighs were so sore, and I had no idea why. Then later on I remembered. Monday was my first run in three months. No wonder I was sore.


I tried really really hard to make eye contact and smile with people at work.


I didn't over eat, but I ate too fast again.

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Yesterday was sort of funny. At the end of the day, my thighs were so sore, and I had no idea why. Then later on I remembered. Monday was my first run in three months. No wonder I was sore.


I tried really really hard to make eye contact and smile with people at work.


I didn't over eat, but I ate too fast again.


Good one, it really does make a difference.

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So, had a good time tonight. Odd day at work, training all day. But, I did well in not answering every question, letting others participate.


Like the man said, experience is a good teacher, but you pay, oh God, you pay.


Sigh, anybody know how I can make my rear end bigger?

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So, had a good time tonight. Odd day at work, training all day. But, I did well in not answering every question, letting others participate.


Like the man said, experience is a good teacher, but you pay, oh God, you pay.


Sigh, anybody know how I can make my rear end bigger?


Eat more? Lol.

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Had a talk with the boss today, he noticed my resentment. I guess the body language is there. Or, as my wife says, my "tells" are strong.


I told him about some things going on in my life, and we cleared the air on some things, but not all. It's a start.


I think part of it is that I don't seem to take certain things well. I don't accept. I sometimes personalize things. My boss seems to, and when it gets personal for him, it gets personal for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, day one with the headshrinker. Lotsa different forms, questionnaires, then I got to say why I was there. He told me that most people didn't have as organized an idea as I did, nor did as much work prior to coming as I did. More questions.


He said I either had GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) or Adult ADD, which is ridicu, oh look a squirrel. j/k.


From what he was saying, I was more GAD than ADD, but we couldn't be sure. He also said that for SOME people, taking the GAD drugs for a year "reset" their arousal issues, and they were able to get off it.


We left it with me getting anti-anxiety meds and setting up counseling sessions. Part of me feels better just knowing I'm doing something.

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Ok, day one with the headshrinker. Lotsa different forms, questionnaires, then I got to say why I was there. He told me that most people didn't have as organized an idea as I did, nor did as much work prior to coming as I did. More questions.


He said I either had GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) or Adult ADD, which is ridicu, oh look a squirrel. j/k.


From what he was saying, I was more GAD than ADD, but we couldn't be sure. He also said that for SOME people, taking the GAD drugs for a year "reset" their arousal issues, and they were able to get off it.


We left it with me getting anti-anxiety meds and setting up counseling sessions. Part of me feels better just knowing I'm doing something.


Well at least you have closure. Focus on the now and the future! Everyone has anxiety to some extent; so I wouldn't worry about that.


I'm taking meds for anxiety (anti d's) they're ok; you may have a couple of weeks to adjust to them and if you don't then you can try others.


Counseling along with taking the meds is good! At least he didn't just fob you off with meds.


Your friends and family will notice a difference in you; for the good. Contact me any time for advice.

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