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Porn - Feedback from the men please

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I need feedback from the guys here. I'm not 100% against porn. I just would like some answers from the male population.


My boyfriend looks at porn on the net daily. He says he looks at it to keep his sex drive up. He says it doesn't make him want other women. It makes him want me more.


It makes me feel inadequate and wondering what he is not getting from me or our relationship that makes him "need" to look at porn every day.


We have a great sex life and relationship. We have openly discussed the situation many times and I have not asked him to stop looking. I would just like some feedback so that I can understand a man's need to look at porn. Men and women are very different. I get that. I am just trying to understand as it really bothers me and I do not want to feel this way nor do I want to start telling my b/f what to do based on my insecurities.


Thank you all in advance for your feedback.

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Let me state this, as I will admit that I look at porn more often than i probably should.


If it wasnt for some other means of venting myself, I probably would have broke up with my girlfriend a long time before we actually did. Sex was always the biggest obstacle in the road for me. Fact is she just didnt want it enough... So unless you are meeting his every demands, then I dont think you should be saying anything. Now if you are the one who isnt getting satisfied, and hes off looking at it without you, then complain.

Now if its something like male on male, or beastiality or something, and it makes you that uncomfortable...then you can say something. Have you even thought about watching it with him?

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I think he's the type whom if you really want to satisify him, you'll need to always be there and whenever he has the urge, you'll have to "do it" with him however frequent that is


so what i'm pointing at is that... it's a matter of convience...?


2ndly, guys in general prefers variety... it's kind of like 2 source of pleasure... one's a real life one, the other is the pleasure of seeing different types of faces and bodies


also, if 2 people interacts... both of them would be losing control in some way, and we like to feel in control... you know? when exactly we want to...

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Thanks guys, I appreciate it. He is not looking at anything strange or out of he ordinary so at least I know he is into normal sex. If he was looking at something strange, I would definitely ask him about it.


And to clarify, he is looking at sites on the internet, not movies.


I do not think any man can ever be satisfied because they want sex all the time. Which is fine, but between working and sports which keeps us both very busy, it just doesn't happen as much as we both would like I guess. But it is still frequent and still awesome.


Thank you for helping me understand a bit more. Sometimes it really makes me feel insecure but I know he is 100% committed to our relationship long term.


Any additional feedback would also be appreciated.

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This was also mentioned in my relationship, never caused a problem, but my now Ex g/f always got defensive. It isn't becasue you are inadequate, it is that men have to "release" every so often or we will explode.


I just say be glad he is watching other ppl not finding other ppl.

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