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should I call him or wait for him to call me

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I am going through a divorce and it is finally over this weeek. I met a very interesting man and after a couple of meetings i thought of telling him a little about my past (Divorce) which was very subtle ....but now its been 4 days have not herad from him, do you think i should call him?. i like him ...i don't know how o handle this i wish he was not so judgemental about me after hearing the divorce thing.

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Hello typsy,

First I want to say welcome to the board,I would say that since you just got out of a divorce mabe you should take things slow,Are you healed from the divorce?Are you the one he filed for it?Well I would say about the guy that you like now may have a reason for not calling you mabe he has been busy or mabe he is thinking he does not want to get in some kind of messed up situation being u just got out of a divorce,If you like him there is nothing wrong with you calling to talk to him,I would say wait a little longer and see how things go from there,I wish you the best of luck and whenever you need someone to talk to please feel free to pm me anytime.

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I agree with ang3l2004 ... after any breakup, even if it was you who initiated it, it's best to take things very slowly. Don't get worked up about a man who doesn't call you for 4 days ... go with the flow and enjoy being free and single for a while! Put effort into your own life, your own interests!!


How long had you known this other man? Sometimes sharing too much about a person's past too early in the relationship is bad - especially if this man also has past relationships that left him kind of scarred.


Did he say, "I'll call you"? If he did, I would hold off on calling him for now. I am just the type of girl to never start calling the guy unless I know it's welcomed.

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I say go for it girl! But only if you have no expectations of this man. I agree with the other posts, don't rush, take it easy with the relationship thing.


If your just looking for some excitment and attention, go for it. But be cautious to not "fall in love" too soon, you might need time to find the real you that you might have lost while being married.


Give it time, but play in the meantime... he he he

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