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Dear all, especially everyone who supported me during 2 difficult months after my break up!!

Just in case you happened to wonder where I disappeared 2 weeks ago...well: I healed. I truly thought it would take me a lot longer, because I was only spending my days wondering about my ex, what he was doing, if he was missing me, how to contact him after strictly applying the rule and not contacting him, etc. Yeah, naturally I exercised, became a better person and everything you're supposed to do, if you're looking for a support of this forum. So I did all this, finally even contacted him, he answered and we flirted a bit. But: despite all that excitement about maybe getting back together...something seemed to be still wrong and I started thinking maybe it had been wrong all along and really, I should be moving on. Well, in order to do that, I surfed on a website where we actually had met...and guess what I found!!! While I was wondering about heartbroken he had put a new add looking for a new, perfect partner!!! And not just an add, it is the most pathetic, obnoxious wanted-add ever!!! He describes himself as the God himself and declares to be looking for a girl that seems to be really difficult to find. He uses descriptions that are so over the top and truly pathetic that it made me want to throw up. The saddest thing is that if you don't pay attention to the pathetic sound of the add, the poor guy is really describing ME...or at least I think I'm the closest to his dream girl that he can get. But for me, all those things that seemed to be the most important things in a person FOR HIM, mean nothing : like wearing trendy clothes and acting naturally in the jet set scene (oh, yes...2 of his criteria, believe me...). So I just realised all at once that this guy is a pathetic scumbag,I deserve so much better and I really really am so much more than he wants. Sadly, his add was headed with the line " I only settle for the best..." ...


Somebody said here once that "Someone who truly loves you knows exactly what you're worth"...and so it will be. This guy doesn't deserve me...and the most amazong thing is, I may have found the one who does!!!! This other guy appeared in my life out of blue and it's amazing how similar our experiences and thoughts are. I'm falling in love head over heels, I feel it, and it scares the s$%t out of me - but I know things happen for a reason, and if this new relationship is meant to be, then it is. I'm still traumatized by the thought that maybe everything looks so great in the beginning but turns out so badly afterwards...and I have hard time believing somebody is really willing to love me as I am, without any defences. But it feels great. It feels simply great.


WOW, guys...this could be waiting for you too!!! So many many thanks for all those who told be I'd thrive and fall in love again...I AM!!! Thanks for all the support and caring, I hope I helped you too...sometimes.


With love,



PS. In case I get heart broken again, which I hope not, because I deserve to find that love of my life FINALLY...I know where to find help.


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Princesa, so happy for you!! Yes, the ex sounds like a total jerk, acK, we all make mistakes sometimes and pick the wrong ones, just sweep this one back under the rock where he belongs. But the new guy - zowie! Isn't it exciting when romance finds us again?? I know, because I am dating someone new, too, and it's WONDERFUL. I was so worried it would be forever before I would meet someone else again, and it happened relatively quickly. Of course, it's our first week of dating, so don't want to get carried away...but I am getting carried away!


So tell me about your new guy...mine is very smart, very funny (I love guys who can make me laugh!), sexy, tall and handsome. Last night, he brought me over a little present, and I just thought that was so sweet. It's nice to have romance again...

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