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Okay-Don't Take Offense-Part of Healing Process for ME

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Been a month or two since I have been on here. I finally had that "Wow - things feel better" epiphany.


Both of my car leases just ended (my ex lost his license last year over a DUI - that's another story). I just bought myself a new (used) car...Mazda RX-8...as its just now me and my 10 year old and....the price was right and I just NEEDED to do something for me after 6 months of pure hell and torture (he picked up with the same 22 year old that started us down the divorce path when he hooked up with her at 20).


ANYWAY - So...I'm looking to personalize my license plate. My first name is Aylan (pronounced Eh-LAN), and what I'm looking for is something that just lets me feel free. Originally I was thinking Divorce 1 (I have a twisted sense of humour lol). Then I started thinking about "the new me without him". So...thinking AYZ DAYZ .


Anyone got anything better? I'm only posting here because this is where I have been posting. Also, I want people who are just starting to go through where I was back in December 2009....to see that....it really DOES get better.


Its not perfect everyday, I still have my ups and downs, but overall, I don't wake up and think about him, I don't obsess, I don't want to know what he is doing every minute of every day, I have taken control of ME again and YOU CAN TOO!!!

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LOL! True...but I think I would only have this last as long as I have this car. I'm able to change plates again if I want so...dunno. You really have a good point, that's why I nixed the first smartass idea I had lol

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