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Not sure what to do


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My ex and I broke up a month and a half ago. I have made a lot of personal growth but still feel I have a ways to go and much to learn that I have to do alone.


She called me a week ago and left me a voice mail asking me how i've been ect after I went NC for two weeks. I called her back 5-6 hours later when i got off work and we talked for a good 30 minutes before I told her it was getting late and I had work to do. She then told me I should call her whenever I feel like talking, that i'm amazing/wonderful to talk to/funny/etc.

i told her i would reciprocate any friendship she sent my way.


anyway, the next day she got a tatto of a word that always had a very special meaning to us. she e-mailed me a picture of it with the phrase "about time right?" next to it.

i emailed her back a couple days later saying


"WOW it looks really good! the font is exactly how i pictured it.

Did it hurt??

That takes balls haha, nice job.

Sexy spot too~!"


she e-mailed me right away

"hahaha thanks it really didn't hurt at all. sometimes when the font was thicker it started to be a little painful but it really wasn't bad at all. i'm totally in love with it! i want another one haha, but that is to be expected. i'm thinking some marigolds on my feet for next time


marigolds are a flower that we planted together and always had very significant meaning to us =/. i just find it weird i guess.


anyway, i don't really like having the ball in my court so to speak, it's been 5 days since we spoke, it will be a little over a month until we see each other.



should i remain NC (i have no problem with NC, it is not difficult for me.) or maintain friendship until we see each other?


edit: she just fb messaged me her little sister's communion album (she had asked me to look at it or w/e on the phone a week ago but i never did.)


with just a little message next to it saying "She would've wanted you there."


this i know, her fam keeps in touch with me and adores me.


still wondering if i should do something

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Thank you, I did reply at the advice of my sister to say at least something small to be nice.


I said that the pictures were beautiful,

her sister looked like a little woman and i couldn't get over how adorable her ear is haha. (she has a slightly odd left ear- it's shaped like an elf ear.)


She replied right away as usual saying that I could probably tell which photos she took and which her mom took - or something to that affect and she hopes that my life is wonderful/not stressful, etc.


i didn't repond.

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Thank you, I did reply at the advice of my sister to say at least something small to be nice.


I said that the pictures were beautiful,

her sister looked like a little woman and i couldn't get over how adorable her ear is haha. (she has a slightly odd left ear- it's shaped like an elf ear.)


She replied right away as usual saying that I could probably tell which photos she took and which her mom took - or something to that affect and she hopes that my life is wonderful/not stressful, etc.


i didn't repond.


Good good. you handle it well


need any help PM me

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