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Losing my mind waiting for that call

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I had a third and final interview for a job I really, really want two weeks ago tomorrow. At the end of the interview, the interviewer told me kind of conflicting things about timeline. First she said that they wanted to move really fast on this; then she said that they definitely wanted to make offers by the end of April. They moved very quickly to this point - had a phone interview one week, in-person interview at the end of the next week, and final interview less than a week later. She said HR would be in touch with me the next week with more about timeline.


I got a call from HR last Wednesday saying that they hadn't been able to schedule final interviews with a few people, so they had more people to interview, which they didn't anticipate. The HR rep was very nice and apologized and wanted to make sure that their timeline wasn't holding me back in terms of any other offers or negotiating. I told her no, and she said she'd be in touch with me next Tuesday or Wednesday.


It's now 4:15pm on Wednesday and no word. Would it be bad to e-mail or call her tomorrow afternoon if I don't hear anything? I don't want to seem overeager.

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What kind of position is it? Is persistence something they are looking for? If it's something like sales (need to be persistent) then I would say show all your cards in terms of forwardness (but not rude).


Otherwise, I would just wait it out - as hard as it is.

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What kind of position is it? Is persistence something they are looking for? If it's something like sales (need to be persistent) then I would say show all your cards in terms of forwardness (but not rude).


Otherwise, I would just wait it out - as hard as it is.


It's a consulting position, so forwardness and persistence are valued, but not as they would be in sales. It's driving me nuts, but I know that I could still get the job, even as time goes on. The job I'm in now, I had my final interview in mid-June and didn't get called until mid-July!

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Heres the question you need to answer: Will calling help me get the job? If the answer is "No, probably not - it's out of my hands at this point." then don't call. Otherwise, calling will just make you feel better... but is that worth the risk of seeming too forward/eager? Probably not, right?

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Heres the question you need to answer: Will calling help me get the job? If the answer is "No, probably not - it's out of my hands at this point." then don't call. Otherwise, calling will just make you feel better... but is that worth the risk of seeming too forward/eager? Probably not, right?


True. I don't think calling would help me get it. I've done all the right things to this point (three good interviews, thank yous to everyone, being very flexible with their timeline), so I wouldn't want to risk screwing it up.



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Actually, sometimes HR does these things to soften you up to see how much you want the job, but also to see if they think you are desperate for it and hence will offer less salary because they think you'll jump at whatever they offer rather than negotiatiing higher.


I think it is appropriate to call ONCE to see if they are still interested, and if they say they are, then just hang tight and don't call back.


I think when she asked you if they were holding you up on other job offers it was probably two things... first, they ARE interested and don't want to lose you to another job. But at the same time, you let her know you didn't have any other offers, so they will probably try offering you less money because of that.


I've had this kind of thing happen, and i will call once and express interest and ask if i'm still in the running. If they say yes, i thank them and let them know i too am interested in the job, but i don't disclose any information about whether i may have other offers, and I do frame it in ways such as 'I really enjoyed this interview and think your job would be a good fit for both of us, and I was just wondering whether i should continue interviewing or whether you are still interested.' That lets them know you're not sitting around and they might lose you to someone else if they don't get on the stick and move it forward.


But also, if it is a good sized company, their idea of 'moving fast' may be a month if they need to get signatures and approvals before the offer. Many companies have rules like they need to interview at least 3 people before making a decision.


And sometimes they've made an offer to someone else and are waiting to see if they accept (and perhaps in negotiations), and if not, then they'll offer to you.


So you never know why it takes a while, but it is not to your advantage to look overeager, because then they offer you less money because they think you want it so bad you won't turn anything down.

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Thanks for your thoughts. They actually had asked me once earlier in the process (second interview) if I was looking anywhere else, and I told them no, this was it. It sucks if I'm kind of at a disadvantage because of that, but it's the truth.


I guess I'm confused because they really were moving fast before this. From the time I applied to the time I had my final interview was about a month. And she did say they wanted to make offers by the end of April, so I suppose that could mean they have, and I didn't get one.


If I were to call, when do you think I should? Today or tomorrow?

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If they said end of April, that hasn't passed yet, so i'd wait until the first week of May to call or email...


I am always frustrated too when told they will 'move fast', because I think they say that to keep you on the hook so that you don't wander off and get another job while they're going thru their normal slow hiring process... They ALWAYS say they'll move fast, then rarely do they actually do it!


I've had them tell me this too, then i don't actually get the offer for 4-6 weeks after my last interview. In my mind that certainly isn't fast!


sometimes too the hiring manager wants to move fast, but hits a brick wall with the paperwork HR requires. Or they are made to justify why they want one person over another, especially if one person is more expensive than another.


They can always be waiting for something else too, like someone who needs to sign approvals is on vacation or on travel etc.


But i wouldn't stop interviewing until you get an offer you accept. If you do get another offer you can always call them and tell them you have another offer and they need to hurry up if they want you.


Also, make sure you check our spam email folder and voicemail/call records to make sure you didn't miss a call or email... sometimes the offer comes from a different person and if you missed the call you want to call back then.

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I don't think it is over yet, because they said they'd decide end of April and it's not there yet. They may not have even decided who they want yet.


I know how hard it is waiting, so try not to focus on it, and keep sending out your resume for other opportunities.


Have they asked for references or called your references? I've never had them call my references and NOT gotten the job (i.e., they usually only call your references if they have decided to hire you, and are just checking up to make sure they are OK). They don't waste time checking references on everyone, usually just the person they want.

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I don't think it is over yet, because they said they'd decide end of April and it's not there yet. They may not have even decided who they want yet.


I know how hard it is waiting, so try not to focus on it, and keep sending out your resume for other opportunities.


Have they asked for references or called your references? I've never had them call my references and NOT gotten the job (i.e., they usually only call your references if they have decided to hire you, and are just checking up to make sure they are OK). They don't waste time checking references on everyone, usually just the person they want.


I never gave them references, because 2 of the 3 of mine are at my current job, and they don't know I'm looking for something new.


I'm not sending out additional resumes at the moment because I'm not doing a thorough search just yet. I've only been applying for things that I'm really, really interested in. This and one other job have fit the bill. I got to a final interview for the last one, too, and they never called. The friend who recommended the position to me told me later that they were impressed, but hired someone else.

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If they ask for references, even if you can't give them at your current job, give them some other personal references and explain you don't want them to contact the current boss since they don't know you're looking.


If you give them no references at all and they ask for them, they'll wonder why you have no one at all to vouch for you. Even giving them the one reference is better than none. Can you find someone you work with that you trust, who might be willing to give you a reference?

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If they ask for references, even if you can't give them at your current job, give them some other personal references and explain you don't want them to contact the current boss since they don't know you're looking.


If you give them no references at all and they ask for them, they'll wonder why you have no one at all to vouch for you. Even giving them the one reference is better than none. Can you find someone you work with that you trust, who might be willing to give you a reference?


I always include "References available upon request" at the bottom of my resume, including the one I sent to them when I first applied. Typically I will just include the references, too, but I couldn't do that with this particular job since no one here knows I'm applying.


I do have a college professor who would be a great reference, but they haven't yet asked. If they do, I'll give them his name. Or I have a former coworker who would also fit the bill.


I sent an e-mail to HR this morning, just saying I hope she had a good weekend and I wanted to check in on the status of the search. I told her to let me know if she needed any additional info from me, and I looked forward to hearing from her soon.

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Welp, didn't get the job. They decided to go with a few(!) other candidates, and they said I just didn't have enough experience. Honestly, I wasn't surprised. I didn't even think I would've gotten 1 interview, let alone 3. They said the position should be open again in a year or so and they'd love to see me apply again then, so we'll see what happens. Either way, I am proud of myself for making it that far to begin with.

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I'm sorry! Just hang in there though... the odd thing about looking for work is that you just think it will never happen, then boom, you get a job and are working!!


So try to enjoy any free time you have and just apply for all kinds of things... you'll hit on something eventually.

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