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Failing to satisfy

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If you have a partner who you connect with on a very deep level, live together and share a really special bond, what happens when the sex life fails?


When does a loving relationship turn into just a friendship or partnership?


Obviously I agree that a relationship should not be based around sex, but I think a sexual attraction is still very important..and sexual attraction within a loving relationship should thereforeeee give a basis for some type of sexual activity. Although I ask for things to happen, there is an unwillingness to try anything new or different, if anything were to happen at all in the first place. The only type of sex happens if once a month and only in the bed, in the bedroom, its penetrative sex, basic and simple the end, no frills, no effort and no surprises. Any suggestions on brightening things up?


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I got this great book that might help you- its called '101 nights of grreat sex' and it is really fun. My husband was complaining about wanting more adventurous sex too and this book has helped so far. what it is is a book with sealed pages for him and her and you have to pick one (whichever title appeals to you) you rip it of the book and read it (keeping it secret from your mate) and then at some point during the week you have to do whatever it says to your mate. It is really fun and might make things more interesting. It guarantees twice a week non-boring sex so it can't be bad right?!


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Well.. does she have any fantasies she might like to try "acting out?" heh. Also, if you aren't already, try introducing some sexy lingerie. If all else fails, at least that would be a surprise.


*yawn* Sorry but I have to cut this post short--door bell. ^_^


Take care,


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Hmmmm ... this is a problem. If partners are not sexually compatible, in terms of their sex drive, there is always going to be some level of frustration. Have you tried discussing the issue, in a non-judgemental manner, to find out whether there is an underlying reason for the lack of sex?


I really think that the key is discussion. Lingerie, sexy videos, role-play etc will only work IMO, if BOTH partners are willing participants. Does not sound like that is the case here.


Try and talk this through and, if necessary, you may need some counselling to get yourself on the same hymn sheet.


Good luck.


G xx

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