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Confused about a guy I like

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I dont know where to start. okay!! i have this guy friend who has liked me since the beginning of my school year and i have liked him too. one day on the way home from school we were sitting accross from one another and the song graduation came on by vitimin C. the whole time we were sitting there all we did was stare into eachothers eyes and i was crying and he had tears in his eyes. a few days later i was talking to him on the phone and he was being really nice and so was I. when we hung up the phone we were fine and everything. but the next day when i went back to school he was really mad at me and he wont talk to me anymore. when i asked him what i did he would just walk away. so i asked another one of my guy friends to ask him why he was mad at me. when my friend came and told me what he said i totaly freaked out becasue he said the reason why he is mad at me is becasue im a b****. I have no clue what i did wrong and im so sad. can anyone help me get my friend back.

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Mabe you 2 hanging out kinda scared him and even if he did call u that so what dont worry about it if you know you didnt do anything wrong go up and talk to him he may not have even said that because you heard it through someonelse just talk to him good luck

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