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I feel like i'm prego again


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I feel like i might be prego again... but i dont want to find out... cuz i'm not sure i'm ready to have another baby just yet... I think i'm scheduled for a pap test in like a week or so... would they be able to find out from that if i was? or do they only find that out from a urinalysis?

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I feel like i might be prego again... but i dont want to find out... cuz i'm not sure i'm ready to have another baby just yet... I think i'm scheduled for a pap test in like a week or so... would they be able to find out from that if i was? or do they only find that out from a urinalysis?


Hate to break it to you, but putting off finding out won't make it go away but you know that ...it will, however, limit your options.


I think you need to find out asap so you can get yourself baby-ready!

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im still breastfeeding my 5 1/2 month old... so i havent really got my period yet either, so i cant just say that i missed my period so i might be prego, cuz i wouldnt have it anyways... so i could be and just not know it... but i havent had any headaches or nausiating feelings like i did before, but when i lay on my tummy i feel like i did when i was prego and it was like, laying on a ball. lol. And sometimes i feel like theres something moving around inside me.

And its not that i dont want another baby... i'd love to have another baby... but i JUST finished losing 30 lbs from my last pregnancy... and i dont want to put it all back on all over again. lol.... But i know i should take a test, and i also know putting it off doesnt make it go away... although it does make your pregnancy feel shorter, which is always a good thing... cuz i hated being prego. I was just hoping if i was prego they'd be able to find out without me having to ask about it.

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They can see changes in the cervix I believe......it looks redder when you are pregnant because of the increased blood flow.


Actually it takes on a bluish hue resulting from venous congestion thanks to estrogen, called "Chadwick's sign".


Blue, who'd have thought?

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I feel like i might be prego again... but i dont want to find out... cuz i'm not sure i'm ready to have another baby just yet... I think i'm scheduled for a pap test in like a week or so... would they be able to find out from that if i was? or do they only find that out from a urinalysis?


They can do a bloodtest at that visit.


Here's the problem with putting off finding out- if you are pregnant- (and you plan to have the baby) you should be taking folic acid immediately, as soon as you find out. It's essential for reducing the risk of birth defects.


If you are pregnant and do not plan on having the baby, then decisions are better made earlier than later.


Denial is not going to help you either way.

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yeah, no i know but i take folic acid on a regular basis anyways, its in my multivitamin i take

So, i'd only be missing ultrasounds lol... which isnt too essential anyways, i only had 1 with my last pregnancy.

But there isnt really harm i dont think, in not knowing...

I've read of people giving birth to their baby into the toilet because they didnt know they were prego... although, i'm not sure how the baby turned out lol. But yeah.. anyways...

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whoa - before we start talking about toilet deliveries, how about you take that blood test? figure this out once and for all.


and no offense, but most of those women who 'didn't know they were pregnant' were like 300 lbs. in general, with most normal sized women, they can tell if they are suddenly growing a bowling ball under their shirt. There is that show on TLC "i didn't know i was pregnant." Some of the women were totally thin, and gave birth to normal babies without knowing they were pregnant. but that is so weird. and rare!


take the blood test, let us know how it goes.

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