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What PUA books should I get?


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The thing with PUA advice is while they will help be successful with women initially, they offer no help whatsoever when it comes to long-term relationships. Many of those authors encourage guys to treat women like crap and sadly, it works a good portion of the time. The advice will show you how to break the ice and get a woman into bed.


Now if that's your intention, it's perfect for you. If you're looking for a relationship, don't give it a second thought. For you, you seem like you just want to learn how to break the ice, so The Game or The Mystery Method should work fine.

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To the OP,


I think you just need to have sex. It doesn't matter who you get it (apart from rape of course), if you have to pay for it pay for it. Once you've had sex the once, you'll most likely be more confident around women.


You seem miserable because you're a virgin. So get rid of your virginity, once that's gone, you can concentrate on getting a women for a relationship.


If you're waiting for "the right one", you could end up being a 50 or 60 year old virgin.

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To the OP,


I think you just need to have sex. It doesn't matter who you get it (apart from rape of course), if you have to pay for it pay for it. Once you've had sex the once, you'll most likely be more confident around women.


You seem miserable because you're a virgin. So get rid of your virginity, once that's gone, you can concentrate on getting a women for a relationship.


If you're waiting for "the right one", you could end up being a 50 or 60 year old virgin.



That's the worst thing he can do. Then he's going to feel cheap and worthless, and he's going to feel 10x worse.

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If you pay for sex and don't feel cheap, that's pretty sad. That's pretty much saying you can't get it anywhere else. I'd rather never have sex again than have to pay for it.


I can get sex if I want. I don't want people to know I have sex, I despise sex and prefer porn, but occasionally I'll indulge in it.


Besides, every time you offer affection or buy a women you fancy a drink, you're paying for sex, just in a different way.


Anyway, this thread is about the OP.

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I can get sex if I want. I do want people to know I have sex, I despise sex and prefer porn, but occasionally I'll indulge in it.



Why do you care what others think? Screw 'em!



Besides, every time you offer affection or buy a women you fancy a drink, you're paying for sex, just in a different way.



I would never buy a woman a drink. It's outdated and a bunch of guys have done the same. You have to separate yourself from the rest.



Anyway, this thread is about the OP.



And I shared my input. If he simply wants to break the ice, the advice is perfect. Anything more than that and he's in for a lot of trouble.

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And I shared my input. If he simply wants to break the ice, the advice is perfect. Anything more than that and he's in for a lot of trouble.


One of the main reasons the OP can't get a GF is because he feels insecure because he's a virgin. I'm not saying he has to live a life of only paying for sex. But, If I were him, in that situation, I would consider using an escort, even if it's just the once. At least he'd no longer be a virgin. Then he can concentrate on looking for a woman, knowing at least that the virginity obstacle is out of the way.


There's a lot of men out there who have lost their virginity to a prostitute/escort. He wouldn't be the first and he won't be the last.

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One of the main reasons the OP can't get a GF is because he feels insecure because he's a virgin. I'm not saying he has to live a life of only paying for sex. But, If I were him, in that situation, I would consider using an escort, even if it's just the once. At least he'd no longer be a virgin. Then he can concentrate on looking for a woman, knowing at least that the virginity obstacle is out of the way.



In the long run, his virginity will have been the least of his problems.



There's a lot of men out there who have lost their virginity to a prostitute/escort. He wouldn't be the first and he won't be the last.



That's sad.

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In the long run, his virginity will have been the least of his problems.


Not if he keeps quiet






That's sad.


Depends how you look at it. I think it's sad that someone has to be emotionally invested in someone, to pay fortunes out on dates, just for a screw.


Sex is sex, doesn't matter how you get it, as long as it's within the law and not rape it's not a problem.

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Well, I got Double Your Dating. I'm going to read through it.


Sirana, I see nothing wrong with downloading the things. Mystery and Neil Strauss are probably making enough money off of awkward men's emotions and insecurities. They don't need my money.


tso, as far as paying for it goes, no I would never do that. My goal is to become comfortable enough so that I can get a girlfriend. Maybe PUA is not the best for doing that, but I'll try anything to try to get out of this rut I'm in. I'm not getting any younger.


Plus, I feel bad for hookers. I don't want to have sex with someone I feel sorry for.

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You do realize that's a contradiction, right? You can't be for and against something.


Do you mean you're anti-love, and just prefer sex?


I'm anti-love and anti-sexual. Unfortunately, I can't get rid of my sexuality, but I often lie and say I'm asexual.

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