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i have the friend who is a girl.but we always argue all the time. i have to admit that it is me who always starts the arguments and they are over the smallest things. but 2days ago we had a huge one and i think this could be the end of our friendship FOR GOOD this time. if we are friends why do we always argue? is there any way to save this friendship?? PLEASE HELP

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Your aware that its you starting most of the argurments.. so do something about it, if she is this important to you. Say sorry or soemthing to make up for the most recent one. Its possible that ur starting these little fights to try and hide your real feelings for her.

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She is probably right, though it might not seem like it. Maybe you just want something to talk about, and you dont want to sound mushy or something, so you start fights to hide your feelings. Appologize to her. Tell her you want to stop fighting and that you will work at it. If she is a good friend, she will forgive you.


Good Luck.

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