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I broke NC. I feel stupid.

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After after being dumped and months of not hearing a peep from him I decided to send some friendly greetings his way. WHY??????? I don't know. Deep down I had to know. I had to just see after the fog has somewhat cleared if he even thought we could be friendly. I guess I wanted some final hit to the head telling me it's over. Well, he sure is consistent. He didn't answer.


I hate him for dismissing me. I hate myself more for expecting anything from him.

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I'm sorry that it is being such torture....


Its very understandable that after months one would be very curious and attempt shouting out a hello... Don't feel that you've done something that is the end of the world... its not!


Who knows what is going on in his world? He may have been shocked to hear from you. Maybe he just isn't ready to shout hello back. Maybe he just isn't sure what to say.


Best thing is to realize how important you are and that he currently isn't adding any value to you. Break ups suck... I know...



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How long ago did you break NC?


If it was a few minutes ago, then I think you might just be a little anxious for a response. Be patient, but occupy your mind with something else. If it has been a day or more, then take it as further reminder that what is done is done, and that is it.

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I'll never understand how you can run off on someone and never speak to them again. Never say sorry or goodbye. Never tell them how much you appreciated them. Just wipe them off as if they never existed. My self esteem was hanging by a thread and is now non existent. I am left thinking, "was I that horrible?" "am I not worthy?" I know now what they say when they say that breaking NC brings you back to square one.

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How long ago did you break NC?


If it was a few minutes ago, then I think you might just be a little anxious for a response. Be patient, but occupy your mind with something else. If it has been a day or more, then take it as further reminder that what is done is done, and that is it.


It was just a few minutes ago, but I just know deep down it was a mistake to break it. It was an impulse move.

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Deep breath Just. You're human. I think NC is a bit over-rated personally. YOu have to consider that the ex is probably many worlds away from interpreting you as weak...if you've gone months without talking. THese are just labels...NC LC..blah blah blah. I am in contact with my ex, and I feel better because I got tired of acting like she didn't exist (she the dumper). SOmeone has to step up, and if you can handle it and not be a nuicance...what the F***!

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It was just a few minutes ago, but I just know deep down it was a mistake to break it. It was an impulse move.


I broke NC today too. Got no response after an hour, and sent another text saying that if she didnt care or didnt want to talk about this anymore, to at least tell me so I would stop trying. She replied 20 minutes later with 'We'll talk later...I am super busy' I remembered that Wednesdays are her busiest days at work so it makes sense. Now I am just anxious as to when she will be able to talk.

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Deep breath Just. You're human. I think NC is a bit over-rated personally. YOu have to consider that the ex is probably many worlds away from interpreting you as weak...if you've gone months without talking. THese are just labels...NC LC..blah blah blah. I am in contact with my ex, and I feel better because I got tired of acting like she didn't exist (she the dumper). SOmeone has to step up, and if you can handle it and not be a nuicance...what the F***!


Thank you. I had the same feelings too about someone stepping up. I couldn't help but think, life's too short. So I took a chance. If he doesn't have the balls to even respond, then it's truly his loss. I really thought he had some balls- I saw them! LOL

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Deep breath Just. You're human. I think NC is a bit over-rated personally. YOu have to consider that the ex is probably many worlds away from interpreting you as weak...if you've gone months without talking. THese are just labels...NC LC..blah blah blah. I am in contact with my ex, and I feel better because I got tired of acting like she didn't exist (she the dumper). SOmeone has to step up, and if you can handle it and not be a nuicance...what the F***!


This is what I think as well. If you still want your ex, someone has got to make a move right? If its been months of NC and you feel alright taking a bold risk, than go for it. How are you ever gonna get another chance if you dont take a risk?

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Awe, you shouldn't feel stupid about breaking NC. I did today too and I was about a week into it. My ex actually apologized for treating me like crap. Oddly I felt kind of indifferent about it all, I feel I will do fine without him. And you are right, life is too short..you never know, he may respond favorably and if not, you can always go back into NC.

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I am confident that he will not write back. I think too much has happened. I pretty much left it open ended in that i just wanted to say hi. So if he chooses not to respond, I will respect his decision and leave him alone-forever.


Well... take this for what it is worth:


I'd rather have had the non-response than the:


a) add me as a favorite of his on a dating site

b) then tell me he's seeing someone and while it's early on, he doesn't want to make things awkward by including me

c) end with saying that there may be a chance for us yet (when this woman doesn't work out)


I feel slammed. Non-response would have sufficed far better and hurt me far less.

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