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She contacted me after 2 months


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I saw my ex on Sunday night for the first time since the end of february she had done the dumping. I've found out she's not seeing her rebound fella anymore and is single.


I've not had any contact with her since the end of January apart from a brief meeting late one night back at the end of feb where very little was said by either of us.


Anyway on sunday night I saw her again and I just said a short polite hello and that was it, She later saw me with another girl at the bar of this nightclub we were in and guessed that we were together because later on I got a 3am (drunk) text message sent from her saying "you really did pik a beauty!"


I replied the next day saying "yea I suppose I did. Happy Birthday to you" because it was her birthday on monday. Now if I hadn't received that 3am text message I wouldn't of contacted her. Infact I'm beginning to think now that I maybe should just of ignored it.


Just wondering but I think she sounds a little bit jealous and bitter after her seeing me with another girl? I certainly was very surprised to get that text.

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To quote Shakespeare (who knew a thing or two about this) "What's done is done and can't be undone". So don't concern yourself with "should I have sent the text or not"


To quote me, "nowhere is it written that the dumper will not suffer from jealousy when the dumpee moves on". That's human nature.


You have to ask yourself, do you want her back or not?


edit: I gotta admit, that if I were you then I'd feel pretty smug about that whole evening. Petty? Maybe. but yeah. heh heh

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Agreed. What is done is done. If you think you screwed up, don't follow up with anymore contact. Human nature also says you can slip up and make mistakes, but you have to learn from them. Hopefully this will give you a little nudge in the ribs and remind you that breaking No Contact sets you back.

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I got to admit I do feel a little smug knowing that its got to her a little bit. I think it makes it clear to me that she still has feelings for me and maybe she wishes she hadnt finished it.


Now I think I will probably just carry on with no contact and see if she contacts me again. I dont think she will though I think the text she sent me sounds like shes a little angry with me.

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Just to add a little it has confused me that she has been so bothered by this to text me and the fact she must still have feelings for me. When we first split I did continue to contact her a little to try and make things up before going NC. Looking back she made a bit of a fool out of me especially as the rebound was set up before we actualy split and she never told me so it feels to me like the boot is now on the other foot. I feel that I've got my power back if you like and that she is now tasting a little of her own medicine.

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