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LOrd Help Me... please...


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LOrd help me for I am about to lose my senses....


I am a professional... I used to have a job, but after saving money, I tried to engage in business.... Got married... now I have 2 kids....


I thought that my family would be fine with my business.... now the business is not quite responding and all my savings are shrinking and I dont know until when it can last...


I am out of work... I am trying to get one... but its been quite sometime I couldnt get one....


I have a family to address and I dont know why all this is happening?


what must I do?


Lord.... I need you



like the song "No Boundaries".... how inspiring this song is.... it suits me well...


this lines strikes me best.... "You know what you want, but how long can you wait"...


and "what if my chances are already gone"


LOrd I am a father... I have a family to provide... when can I deliver my responsibilities.... I am trying so hard to get myself employed... LOrd when are they going to get my services?


I have read the "secret".... the "laws of attraction"...


Im trying to hold myself together...keep myself focused...


But it seems that i just cant ignore the fact, that I have a family to provide and my being out of business and unemployed seems like bringing me down...


I hope I can hold up my sanity.... I hope I can deliver..


LOrd please help me....

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Prayers is one thing. Being practical is another.


What have you done to try & get help? Do you have a social security system in your country which can help you tide thru while you look for a job?


I used to work in different countries...I didnt apply for social security system... so I dont have.. its just my wife now who is working... but even so, her salary just wont compensate for everything our family needs especially my son and my baby...


I feel its kinda awkward that I am a dependent of my wife... I have higher studies but I cant find a job locally... it seems that local companies feel threatened knowing that I have been working in different countries and that maybe I wont stay long that I will still go to other countries because the compensation is so much higher... so right from there... most companies will initially interview but wouldn't push my application because of the notion that I will leave sooner or later....


its hard even though on initial interviews I would explain that I am not expecting as high compensation as working in other countries, because I feel am well compensated working locally, as long as I am with family especially my kids... But it seems they dont understand it... and still think, I will still leave sooner or later... So its hard for me to get a job locally...


Now I am trying to find in different countries... though it hurts me just to imagine living away from my family...I have no choice...


But it seems employment opportunities in other countries are kinda low and employment demands and competition is kinda high... so its a hard competition....


Plus, I need a job ASAP, and it seems that recruiters at the monet are just on the process of manpower pooling....


thinking about it and what is happening right now.... to me it is way beyond my human knowledge...


I think and I hope, God is preparing something that is best for me and my family....


its the time that I am chasing or fighting against... how long is this going to happen.... when will God give me the chance to provide and deliver my responsibilities for my family, again...


Thanks for your thoughts.... Please include us in your prayers...


May God be with us all...

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I'm very sorry about your situation. Unemployment is stressful as hell and I understand why you're feeling so terrified and desperate, but you WILL find work. You have skills, you have experience, and you will find the perfect job for yourself.


If you believe in Law of Attraction one thing you can be doing, energetically speaking, is raising your vibration. While you are feeling desperate, all you can draw is more of the same. Change what you have going on within, and focus on what you want reality to be, not what it is. Find the thoughts--ANY thoughts--that make you feel relief. Hold yourself in that new feeling, then keep climbing up the emotional scale, always reaching for the thoughts that make you feel better and better. Try googling: law of attraction focus wheels. It's an exercise that is designed to move you up the vibrational scale.


The good news is Law of Attraction is a LAW, meaning it works without fail--if you can maintain the right head space regarding employment, your job will be delivered to you. The other good news is that you are USED to having a job. You don't have to use your imagination that much to imagine the reality you want. For example, it's easier for someone who's used to wealth to attract more wealth. Someone who is poor may have a harder time becoming wealthy because it's further away from their current reality and not as easy to maintain the feeling of Being Wealthy.


Even if this does not looks practical in a concrete sense, the very least it will do is help you feel better and this is a really good thing. I really do suggest you try to change how you FEEL about your situation. Sorry if this is a little more Law of Attraction than you asked for. You're the one that mentioned it so I thought I'd jump in on that note...

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the "law of attraction", yes.... I do believe in it as I look back to the times when my life was prosperous... and I could remember how I attracted good things in my life...


the difference now is that I am a family man... unlike before, no matter how my life is in trouble, I could careless about it and stay within the happy feelings and keep on dreaming...


BUt now I have a family... I have kids and my son will be going on grade school... that bothers me... this thought bothers me whenever I try to maintain a positive feeling and emotions... it keeps bragging me... I want the best future for my kids...I couldn't care less about the reality that is happening to me now... how can I give the best future for my kids when all this is happening to me now?...


on a positive note, I cried and cried last night... and it was a good thing, because I was able to release that bad feelings...


Ill try to google your suggestion... Thanks a lot...


it really helps me get back and try my best to maintain a positive emotion whenever there are people somewhere who feels my pain and try to help me in ways the least they can.... advice....


or at least someone to talk with...


Thank you again...

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You're very welcome, I hope a lot of other people post some helpful advice for you too.


Crying and releasing bad feelings is healthy and such a relieving feeling. I'm so glad to hear you got a lot of emotions out last night!


the difference now is that I am a family man... unlike before, no matter how my life is in trouble, I could careless about it and stay within the happy feelings and keep on dreaming...


BUt now I have a family... I have kids and my son will be going on grade school... that bothers me... this thought bothers me whenever I try to maintain a positive feeling and emotions... it keeps bragging me... I want the best future for my kids...I couldn't care less about the reality that is happening to me now... how can I give the best future for my kids when all this is happening to me now?...


I can definitely see how the seriousness has changed now that you have a family so it makes it harder for you to keep feeling positive when the future is uncertain. But part of the trick is to STILL feel carefree. Maybe that sounds like terrible advice, especially coming from a 21 year old with no children to support! But your feelings of fear and heavy responsibility are not necessary, rather they are creating resistance within you. How can you flip those feelings into something more constructive? Let thoughts of your family contribute to how joyful and exciting you can imagine a new job to be. Let thoughts of your family contribute to your clarity on what exactly you want in a job (security, great pay, living in the same place as your family, etc). Don't let thoughts of your family contribute to feelings of panic and distress. Being unemployed is a scary situation, but you can start to shift how you feel about it and started looking towards what you want, not what you don't want.

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thanks.. It doesnt matter if you're 21 giving advice to a 32 yr old family man...hehehe....I like your advice anyway... when I was 21 I dont think I was thinking as matured as you yet...its just about fun for me...hehehe


I'd like to share with you what happened yesterday.... I LOST MY CELLULAR PHONE.... what I thought was crazy about it was.... I need the number on that cellular phone coz that's the number where any probable employer will contact me.... I THOUGHT... WHAT'S THIS? A SERIES OF UNFURTUNATE EVENTS? its crazy!!!!!


Oh well, but when I tried to solve the problem.... I was just able to solve the problem... I managed to have the same number right now... never mind the phone..I just need my contact information...


So I thought it wasn't so unfurtunate after all... there's a light at the end of the tunnel...


Yeah thoughts of my family makes me happy anyway, especially when I see my kids happy... thanks for the tips on the Focus Wheel.... I tried it and It works... it escalates my positive emotions.. I made a slide show with the same idea as the focus wheel and put some pictures relating to this happy thoughts and feelings.... its a lot more fun when there are photos on it....I can see thought becomes reality...

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Yeah, it is sometimes very difficult to say anything else because employers tend to want to read in between the lines written on the papers. If you have been working internationally or have a track record of changing jobs too often, you become automatically a red-flag to them.


Trying to convince them that you will stay long in your job because of you wanting to be near to your family is a good point. However, it would be better if you would try to sell your skills to them. Many people has a master degree nowadays... and not to mention, they are younger than you. Those are plus points for any employer. What is special about your work? Are you, for example, gifted in the gap & can close top deals fast? Are you very detail - orientated?


Perhaps trying to convince them that you are an asset to their company would be help you more than just saying that you would like to join their company because you just want to be closer to your family.


Hope this helps. Like i have said: Prayers is one thing, being practical is another.


God bless you.

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That's awesome! I'm glad to hear about your experience with your cell phone. Soo annoying, yet a good exercise in reframing as annoying events often are I'm also psyched that you actually tried to focus wheel and other methods and found it helped your mood. I always get results with those kinds of exercises, and I know you will too.


I like what Minzigirl had to say. Solid advice.


Keep going and good luck!

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