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Finally doing the NC thing

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But... after reconciling, her leaving the guy and us not ever being able to meet up, I did something monumentally selfish. Her foster niece tried to kill herself on a week we were FINALLY going to meet up and being the selfish person I am, I didn't understand that she needed her family... She went LC and told me she needed space. I, of course, being the needy, insecure person I am, did not give that to her and sent millions of texts and emails.


Well, I know that it's over now, that I have driven her completely away and this is me going NC now. No more texts, calls, or begging. I will ignore her and whatever she says, as I realize now that I am just a game to her. It's over and time to let the healing begin.

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So this means you are changing your telephone number, blocking her on Facebook/Myspace, stop following her on Twitter, and you will block her on your IM services right? All or nothing for NC. This might come accross as harsh, but you don't owe her any explanations. Immediately stop any lanes of communication she may have.

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I did the blocking thing... that is done. I cannot change my phone number as I use it for business, but I am going to ignore her. I am the one that has the problem with contacting her. She has been ignoring me and I have been doing the pathetic begging for her back thing, looking for closure. She keeps saying "for now" instead of we are done for good.

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Same with me and the Phone number. Just dont Answer private calls. They tend to trick us. I ended up answering a block call once.. and it ruined me, as it was my EX just calling to mess me up again. Try and DOnt answer any strange number. ANd plzzz stick to No contact! DO not beg!! u will push her even further... Dont look for closure.. She is ignoring you, isnt that enough... ??trust US, we have all been there and we can say... NC NC NC!!!! Leave her ALONE!!!!! whats done is done!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well... let's see how NC has went.


Day one is now again... she kept contacting me wanting to be my friend. She was talking to me everyday just to keep me on the line and finally the other night when Lost was on sent me a few that I just ignored. Yesterday I was on IM and asked her what she wanted from me and she replied absolutely nothing and that I should man up and be friends with her. I said I couldn't that I still had feelings. She said it was like we were just friends for 4 months anyhow and I replied that I don't tell my friends I love you and call them pet nicknames. Well, she flipped and started calling me names. Bad stuff. I said whatever and signed offline and when I signed back on she started again on me. I said fine, tell me about Lost.


She started telling me about that, I had a meeting and had to sign off. Got home last night, worked on my mountain bike for a bit and she sent me a text and an IM saying hi. I was busy and didn't get it. Hour later, she sent an im saying "ur a nerd" which I didn't get because I was riding (seeing how plausible it is to ride my bike to work and not get too sweaty in the summer). I got home and saw this and sent her a text saying I was riding and then going to watch the pens game. She sent me a text back and it said she was out with co-workers and to enjoy my evening. Well... that was a lie. She was signed on IM (she was never smart enough to use her IM on her iphone, barely could use it on her laptop, so I know she wasn't out yet). She signed off after that and I got a text from her about an hour later 8 or so that said "I'm at Leslie's at a BBQ, but can IM for a second, want to talk". I was talking on the phone and didn't have a chance to text her back, she sent me another text that said "Well, it's obvious that it's too hard for you to be friends, it's a shame because we could have had a great friendship. Have a good life and keep up the positive thinking" Which I did not answer at all.


So... it's day one all over again. Why the heck would she fight so hard to be my friend? And honestly? I don't need anymore friends... hate to be like that, but we were never really just friends to begin with, there was always something there. Looking back, this girl had major, major issues.... almost thinking bipolar or something.

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I didn't really pose a question there. Any clue why she would insist on us being friends, even after I said I could not do it? She got really, really mean. Like I hate you, name calling mean, when I said I just couldn't do it. I don't even like this person anymore, after what she did, but I am just trying to learn how to avoid this in the future.

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Nobody can answer this? Why she was so adamant about remaining friends? I know her and I only dated a short while (off and on for about 6 months), but love was there on my side at least. She did mention that she talks to all of her ex's but she wanted her and I to be best friends. Well... I don't want that, I have one best friend and some other good friends. So she flipped out on me and told me that I was some really bad things. Just wondering if any other women have been the dumper and done this?

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Well... I hit Day 5 and broke down and sent her an IM. Very, very anxious feeling today, and I know it's because I sort of overdid it on Saturday night when I was out with friends. She was in town and usually, she would text me when she was out and about.


She was offline when I sent the IM and I signed off immediately, so I probably won't even hear anything back from her. But that is good, right? Back to Day 1 now....

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