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What should I do?? PLEASE help me!

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Hey, i was invited to the guy i likes surprise bday party but i dunnno if i want to go because i dont think he wants me there and also because it would be my sister and all of her friends there so i would be able to talk to anyone because im a year younger. Also, I really like the uy who the party is for and i dont want to do anything stupid. But, my sister wants me to go because I wont have anything to do and both parents will be at work. I just dont know if i should go or not! I REALLY need help on this one. please.

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Dear princess

Why would he not want you there? because you are younger?

My advice is to go, look really nice, have fun and enjoy the party.

Sadly age matters alot when you are young but as you getolder it matters less and less.

Just have a good time and enjot the party. You wont do anything stupid.

With love

nenez xxx

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You're only a year younger, and what makes you think he wouldn't want you there? Have you heard him say it? No? Then go. Worst case scenario, he doesn't talk to you, but you still have your sister and your friends there. Doesn't mean he doesn't like you; more that he just doesn't know you. So try to talk to him, just casually, and see if you get positive vibes. You might be surprised!



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Well, its me again the one who posted the first one. Every time i talk to the guy i like i get MAJOR butterflys in my stomach and then i will turn around and walk away or hang up while the phone is still ringing. How do you get over butterflkys in your stomach? PLEASE hel me the party is tomorrow (6/5/04) So please i REALLY need help. Thanx in advance\


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