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Have you ever dated a shy person?


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Have any of you dated a shy person? Mainly a shy guy?

What are they like? I tend to go for more... out going guys because they go for what they want. My problem is, I think i may be interested in a guy trouble is, he is shy. I am clueless what to do, and I need encouragement right now.

Bare with me.. i am not a patient gal


so what's it like dating or pursuing a shy person?

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If you really want a shy guy, you may have to make the moves. If he's into you, he'll respect you for it, and if he's not who cares? Shy guys are like outgoing people, just not with near as many people. You have to open up a shy guy. He may seem uninterested or mainly hesitant. that's how it will be until you get closer.

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If you are interested in a shy guy, which I'm guessing that you are, you have to be the one that shows him that you are genuinely interested in him. He'll always want to second guess himself, especially if he is the one interested in you. Along with all of this, you really have to feel out his comfort zone and make him feel comfortable around you. He will still want to revert back to his comfort zone so you kind of have to counteract his comfort zone from stalling your progress with him. The best way to do this is to take things at a pace where he's not going to hide away from you. The more you do that, the more he's going to open up to you.

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well I'm a shy guy, and it can be hard when trying to meet girls or get close to them. I think most shy guys just aren't as assertive as the more outgoing type of guys. They don't go after girls right away, but usually need more assurance that a girl is into them. I have a theory on how girls perceive guys; that when a girl meets a guy she decides (maybe even sub-consciously) very quickly whether or not they would date him. With shy guys, unless they are particularly physically attractive, most girls will put them in the friend-zone or dismiss them as potential dating material. Outgoing guys are much more attractive to girls because they appear confident and girls love that. I think women perceive shy guys as having little confidence, since they don't flirt or talk much to girls when they first meet them.

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well I'm a shy guy, and it can be hard when trying to meet girls or get close to them. I think most shy guys just aren't as assertive as the more outgoing type of guys. They don't go after girls right away, but usually need more assurance that a girl is into them. I have a theory on how girls perceive guys; that when a girl meets a guy she decides (maybe even sub-consciously) very quickly whether or not they would date him. With shy guys, unless they are particularly physically attractive, most girls will put them in the friend-zone or dismiss them as potential dating material. Outgoing guys are much more attractive to girls because they appear confident and girls love that. I think women perceive shy guys as having little confidence, since they don't flirt or talk much to girls when they first meet them.


There has to be an attraction. Attraction means different things to different people. Some people are primarily concerned with looks and nothing else. Other people want a very intelligent person. Others want someone who is funny. Some people like rich men. There are those who like rich, OLD men. It isn't always based on looks.


For me, yes, I have to feel attracted to the man, but that doesn't mean that he needs to be a drop dead gorgeous model looking body builder. The guys I have dated have all looked different. Some short, some tall, some with muscles, some a little pudgy. Granted, none of the guys I have dated have turned out to be right (at all) for me, but I don't base everything on looks.


I have been interested in a shy guy for (going on 2 years). He thinks he has a big head and bug eyes. I think he is very handsome, he doesn't have a big head, his eyes are big and beautiful and his smile is contagious. It just depends on who is doing the looking.


To answer the OP, you will definitely need to work on your patience if you want to date a shy guy. You also need to be able to weed through what is true and what is his shyness. Shy guys are often nervous, won't exactly talk about things that make them uncomfortable and may even say things just to get out of an uncomfortable situation. I say this from my own personal experience with being shy and from dealing with this shy guy for so long. It is like a mystery novel at times and you just have to use your best judgment. You will be thrown through loops, one day you think everything is hunky dory and then next day you think he must not like you anymore. I do think that once he is comfortable with you and gets rid of his nerves, things will be much different. But until that day, you have to be up for a roller coaster ride. How long the ride lasts is up to how much you think he is worth it.

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