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Is death the answer?

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Life just sucks for me. My parents just yell all the time and never listen to what i have to say. life out side my house is so lonely even though someone of my so called friends ask me to go out i just feel like sitting at home feeling bad. i just sometimes want to kill myself but dont have it in me but i have so much hatred with in myself. i hate my life and i hate everyone around me. it seems my goal in life is to make everyone miserable around me. the other part is the question about god, does he really exist? Or is he just something that we can hold on to have hope that there is something after death. feel so alone....like one can feel the sadness the way i do...

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First of all, How old are you?


Second, how did you depression start, traumatic event, ?


third, we are here to talk to you, help you sort out what's going on in your head. There are plenty of things worth living for, you just have to find them within yourself.


Please, for your sake, seek a crisis center, call a hotline. These people are professionally trained to help you. Do this before you make any rash decisions.


God bless you and keep you safe.

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15 years old, dunno when this really happened...ive been depressed since i was little. i always felt like i was silenced by my parents. never to talk or talk back so i keep to myself a lot. fights always went on in my house when i was younger. had to stay in my room to keep out of the arguments but sometimes my father was a troubled man even though i know he cares he likes to keep to himself...i feel like he never wanted kids...

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Time 0_0, you have to give it time. When you are a young teen, you don't see the whole picture! Life is great and worth living. Sounds as if you need to find something that you enjoy......FOR YOU, not for your parents or your peers, just for you. Take time for YOU and find YOURSELF. This takes time and you'll see, life can be great, but you have to make that happen!


Good luck to you and please seek help first........

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First of all I get so angry when people say you need physcological help. I was in this exact same position before...and you know what? I got better without that help. It's called friends, us people on enotalone. We shouldn't tell him he needs help we should listen and try our best to help him. My Mom and me argue all the time...she won't let me go anywhere, do anything, see my father ...ANYTHING! It sucks..but why argue? That isn't going to get you anywhere, I just go to my room and turn on some Linkin Park. They help alot. Mom never listens to what I have to say, she doesn't like my punk rocker style and or anything I do for that fact. I found myself in the last year and finally know who I am. We are still teenagers, we shouldn't end our life now. There is more out there for us, your life has a purpose even if right now you don't think it does or you don't know that purpose. Be strong..and pm me if you need ANYONE. I've been through it and I know it sucks.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am 15 too and at the end of last year my friend told me she had been overdosing on panadol.

I didnt tell anyone.

Except she started getting very sick and i told a teacher at school.

She got over her depression but i started getting depressed.

I have good parents and great sisters who all wanted to help me thru the hard days.

I used to cut and all the rest of it but now i am starting to get better... and im taking anti- depressants and seeing a psychologist and having lived through it i want to say that u need help.

Maybe ur parents just dont realise and u need to make them realise by getting help from someone else who will help you tell ur parents.

Feel free to e-mail me anytime.

I always want to help.

Just be strong.


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Thanks for coming here and talking with us. That is a first step in a whole new world for you. You however will have to make some serious choices if you are feeling the way you are. One thing we can't pick is our parents. Because if we could many people in the world would pick different parents. If you are under 18 and living at home. The old saying goes, living under my roof you live under my rules. So if you don't like the rules, you have to make some new rules. And that is almost impossible living where you are at present. You have to decide you want a new life, one with a new beginning. Set some goals for yourself, make them real.

Something you can work toward. Got to work, focus on saving money. Don't tell anybody, just start stashing the saving away. Till one day you have enough and when your old enough, to move out. Money can change allot of things. As far as killing yourself, that is not an option. So lets have an understanding right now. You feel that way in the future. You come here and talk or pm me anytime. This is a wonderful place to vent. Allot of wonderful kind and caring people that really care about you. So you can make some new friends here from all over the world. Your life is between your ears, so start to think about what you are thinking. The mind plays tricks on us all. It is not what life throws at you, but how you handle it. Make some decesions about you and your future. You can do anything you put your mind to doing. don't let your parents get in the way of your personal goals. Your young and have the whole world ahead of you. I'll just bet you the people that died in the world trade center on 9/11 would love to trade with you for just one more miserable day. Be gtateful for what you have, you have a life. Now go out in this wonderful life, and find the opportunity that is waiting just for you. It is out there, but it is your job to find it.


Go get em !





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