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I was just wondering what sort of hairstyly girls tend to like most. (i'm 16) Do girls prefer the sort of tidy short hair slightly spiked up at the front, or do girls like the sort of insane spiky all over punk look? I guess it depends on the person, but mostly do girls prefer guys who look tidy, or guys that look slightly insane?

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Thanx, it's just that a few people have told me i'd look really good if i did something with my hair, because currently, my mum runs over it with a razor so my hair is really short and then i wait until i get too hairy for comfort and then just cut it again. Can you believe that i have never been to a hairdresser?

Any of you have any ideas on what i should do with my hair? Lets see... my head looks very similar to... the lead singer off offspring, thats the only person i can think of. My head is very round.

any advice?

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i like a guys who looks kinda insane, it makes them different when they do something unique with their hair, i like a guy when his hair is kinda longer or spiked, at the mo theres one person whos hair looks really cool, has anyone seen Brian from westlife's hair (im not too keen on the group) but his hair look really cool long and over his face.


but it really depends on the girl herself really, id go with what you like, but change is good


~LJ =;

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it depends on what kinda clothes u wear and what kinda girls ur trying to impress, for the nike/addidas/umbro/elesse etc types it seems to be shortish and spiked at the front or bleached tips for the baggy jeans and hoodies types its kinda long and in your eyes (mmmm droool!)

or the all black eyeliner and big boots types its dyed a crazy colour or spiked crazyish. the dude from the offspring has cool hair tho!

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Yeah, well i have sort of light brown/blonde hair. As with the clothes i wear, usually jeans or long shorts, and usually shirts with collars. Girls i want to impress... well, any.

I can't really do anything too outrageous cos my parents would get annoyed, they don't like anything new.

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I decided to spend my 100th post on this forum on a very important, life changing subject--hair. (heh


Personally, I tend to prefer darker colors of hair in men (mysterious.. oo), and I would say my ideal cut for a guy.. (this is going to be hard to describe) But.. it is a medium long cut. the back goes maybe an inch down the neck and it is loose and a little shaggy but.. very laid back.. I believe at one time Tom Cruise had a similar cut. Very handsome. Not long and scraggly, but just enough to run your fingers through it. *sigh*



100th post! yay!

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