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'Taylor's band' (frenulum) of penis issues


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Firstly, in case anyone does know what the frenular (also nicknamed 'talor's band') is here's a link with pics:


(scroll down to 'pathology' and the first pic on the left points to it). It's the string bit or the band bit.)


I have two issues/questions...


1. Guys - do you worry about your band breaking. (I've read that this can happen - during sex etc).


2. I'm wondering if I have a degree of 'frenular chordee' (again, the link above shows you - it's the 2nd pic under 'pathology'). Mine doesn't look quite that extreme but it does look a bit like that. Does anyone else have this issue or do they have it. For quite a long time my foreskin was tight over my head - but frequent retraction seems to have solved that. Does this condition also restrict the overall size of the penis or the blood to the penis head?

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"Though educational, the images may not be appropriate"


WHAAAAAAAAT??? This is a medical question. People don't have to look. If you find it inappropriate that someone might have to look at them, be thankful you haven't got the condition! I don't know.


Ok. If links to medical pictures for those who choose to view them are not allowed by sidehop then I will explain in words. I hope that does not cause anyone to faint or something.


With the 'frenular chordee' the penis 'head' is pulled forward and down because th frenulum is too short or tight. The foreskin can't be pulled back fully.

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Surely there was a thread a while back called "What a real vagina looks like" that was directly linked to picture after picture of genital closeups that was deemed to be ok because it was beneficial to womens' self-esteem?


Back on topic, I never worried about it breaking, though that didn't stop it tearing when my first gf managed to catch it in between her front teeth -.- It took a few attempts at healing (because it's a bad area for healing, I suppose), but it's completely fine now, and it's held up to some... vigourous, lovemaking since. I honestly wouldn't be concerned about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Surely there was a thread a while back called "What a real vagina looks like" that was directly linked to picture after picture of genital closeups that was deemed to be ok because it was beneficial to womens' self-esteem?


Back on topic, I never worried about it breaking, though that didn't stop it tearing when my first gf managed to catch it in between her front teeth -.- It took a few attempts at healing (because it's a bad area for healing, I suppose), but it's completely fine now, and it's held up to some... vigourous, lovemaking since. I honestly wouldn't be concerned about it.


I wanted to rep you for your reassuring input, Drag, but the system wouldn't let me.


And yes, I do believe links like this, for medical purposes, should be kept just as the vulva ones were kept up, as many, many posters have found great benefit in that thread, which was rated 5 stars and keeps being bumped.

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I started another thread on the same topic but with a simpler title as i thought the title might have been putting people off for sounding too technical - as I decided too I wanted to hear responses re how common a somewhat tight frenulum is. I didn't know they were so strict here about starting two threads on the same topic so it was deleted.



So I'm back to this thread. Have been doing some net research though. And here's what I've found out about it...


- it sounds like an over tight frenulum is a problem for about 5-10% of males (stats on the net vary). There's a technical word for it but I keep forgetting it and as it literally just means 'tight frenulum' it doesn't really matter.


- Sometimes the frenulum is nicknamed 'banjo string'.


- Mine is short. I can pull back the foreskin and generally stays put I think. However, when the shaft skin is pulled down my gland (head) bends down. So mine is probably not as bad as some peoples who can't pull their foreskin back from their gland fully.


- when the frenulum is short and tight it can rip (partly), often heals quickly but then rips again - this usually happens in intercourse - sometimes the first time but some times not till some years after having intercourse. Sometimes it happens when masturbating - although this is less common.


- It seems on the net simpler to get it fixed before it tears - although it can be fixed any time.


- Circumcised males have the same 5-10% chance of having an overtight frenulum (if it wasn't removed in circumcism) and it causes exactly the same problem as for the uncircumcised.


- tight frenulum can evdently be painful for both the male and female in sexual intercourse. It can also hinder pregnancy.


- Treatment options include:

+ circumcision including removing frenulum. Circumcism is unecessary and has nothing to do with the problem or the solution however.

+ Removal of frenulum

+ tying of frenulum (I'm still confused about whether this involves lengthening the frenulum or removing it. I've read different descriptions and I need to recheck. I think i've read that they cut the freunulum in a way that makes it longer and it heals longer. If you take a think strip of paper and cut one side about 3/4s accross then you pull the ends of the strip of paper it will stretch longer. I think this is the idea. But they do several cuts. As a short frenulum is usually thicker, it doesn't matter that the altered frenulum will end up thinner.)

+ getting prescribed a cream that stretches skin and rub in on frenulum and stretch it regularly. Some say it works some say it doesn't.


- While the frenulum appears to feel extremely sensitive it is actually the fibres underneath that are very sensitive and evidently the frenulum has almost no sesitivity. Some say removing the freunulum or making it thinner actually makes it more sensitive as you are getting closer to the sensitive nerves underneath it. Others say the frenulum is highly sensitive and they don't want to have sensitivity lost by having it removed.


- It would be interesting to here from males who have had their frenulum removed as adults along with their foreskin and here whether that area was more or less sensitive with or without a frenulum.

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Either there must be some kind of disease that has damaged the skin's persistence OR the sex has to be damn rough in order for the frenular band to break...


personally I can't imagine that happening, the only way I can imagine is during heavy, brutal anal sex, lol...


There are various kinds of phimosis - in some it can be cured by simply stretching the skin for a while until the head of the penis won't swell anymore during an erection when retracted and some don't have any other option than circumcision...

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Either there must be some kind of disease that has damaged the skin's persistence OR the sex has to be damn rough in order for the frenular band to break...


personally I can't imagine that happening, the only way I can imagine is during heavy, brutal anal sex, lol...


There are various kinds of phimosis - in some it can be cured by simply stretching the skin for a while until the head of the penis won't swell anymore during an erection when retracted and some don't have any other option than circumcision...


Thanks. If you read my previous post though you'll see there are alternatives to to circumcision with 'Frenulum breve' (the officialy name of the condition I've been discussing in this thread). I don't think frenulum breve is phimosis - although it might fit loosely under the heading as a 'type'. This difference with frenulum breve is the foreskin has nothing to do with the real problem. The real problem is the frenulum being too short. As the frenulum can be removed without removing the foreskin, and as foreskin removal does not require frenulum removal then foreskin removal has nothing to do with either the problem or solution.


In frenulum breve there is no disease involved that has weakened the frenulum - if anything a short frenulum is probably tougher as it is typically thicker than a longer frenulum. It is the shortness that causes it to rip as the friction of sex intercourse puts more pressure on the frenulum doing sex in the same manner as anyone else does it. This extra presure causes it to tear. It does not tear right in half - the tear is often like a tiny paper cut - but can still be incredibly painful. Because the tear is often small is why it heals reasonably quickly.

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