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Confused, Dejected...Why?


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Hello Everyone.

I posted this on another thread (see below). Still no response of any kind after 3 days (long time in my world). I can't think of one instance that caused a thwart in her responding. I even sent a text this morning asking if she received my vm and let me know if she is interested and if not..i will leave her alone. What is it? Is it not right for me to want to know? I am not due an explanation as to why she is not interested...but only asked kindly for a response. Let me know what your thoughts are and what u would do (pretty sure nothing can be done and i dont want to keep reaching out). I want to improve on any life skills and dating is one of them.




I took a girl out on a date about 10 days ago. We were hooked up thru friends of family. The date lasted about 6 hours in which we did multiple things to get to know each other (drinks, dinner, games). She said it was some of the most fun she's had in a while. When dropping her off I received a hug and she said we should talk very soon. I called 2 nights later and she was at work so she texted me saying she will call tomorrow or night after. She called me the next night and we made plans to hang out this upcoming weekend (she has a job which requires late nights sometimes). When we were getting off the phone she said she looks forward to talking on Sunday (which I asked if she would be free to talk Sun. and she said yes...she got off work supposedly at 730ish). I called and received her vm. I left a message for her to call back. Up until now I have not heard from her...which I find strange because we have not had any awkward moments and she called back the first time. In case she dont call tonite...how long will it be considered that she is no longer interested? Do I reach out again some other day> Advice needed please.


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I would suggest you wait and see what comes from the text message. Yes, it is nice to get a response even if it is just to say, sorry mate not interested anymore. But the unfortunate side of it is, many people take the easy route and prefer to just disappear than seen the mean person and reject someone. Of course, she may have lost her phone and isn't receiving the messages


If you don't get a response in the next day or two from her, then I would suggest forgetting about her. Get on with your life and don't not worry about her. If for some reason she contacts you later, then WIN.


Do note, if you start showing signs of being upset that she hasn't responded after a short time by leaving multiple messages or texts, then she is going to think you are weird and will avoid you even more.


Importantly, don't take this personally, it happens to all of us at one time or another.

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This kinda thing happens, don't get hung up on it. It's happened to me a couple of times. Great first dates and then they disappear into thin air. Looking back the dates obviously didn't go as great for them as for me.


Don't contact her again, it's very likely she is just not interested.


Some people like to have multiple first dates at once with 2/3 different guys and then carry on dating the one they like best. I think it's cruel but I know someone who does it.

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Sometimes people just change their minds.


I've had it happen multiple times where I had a great date with a girl and at the end, SHE asks ME if we'll see each other again, because she would like to, to which I say yes, then they don't respond to my contact after the date.


What can you do? Not everyone in this world is raised with the same social interaction standards unfortunately.

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