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What would you do???


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So met a women, we hit it off, decided to hang out St. Patricks night and exchanged numbers...Told her I would contact her Wed.


Now I know she is working and were going to get together tonight.

So I called and got vm and sent a text also. This was 3.5 hours ago and no answer back...


I am just trying to check in about tonight, time and place... Looks like I picked another flake. Seem to find them all the time, getting old...


So would you call again or just forget it?


Going to meet some friends soon and hang with them...

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It might be your own fault for not being explicit. Wait to hear back from her, just in case. BUT - In the future, you might want to be one step ahead of where you're at now by deciding the time and place beforehand, so you just contact her the day or day before to confirm, not make plans. So if you talked to her now, it would just be, "Hey, you still good for 10pm and blah-blah-blah?" That way, there's no confusion. If she a flake, oh well... at least she knew the when and where.


That's what I would have done. I just like to anchor things like that down rather than leave it more or less in the air. Not saying you effed it up, but she may have forgotten or perhaps your date got put down low on the priority list because of the lack of specificity or definition. If she doesn't call back (she may be busy at work?), just hang with your friends. She doesn't know what she's missing.

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Problem was she did not know how late she was working till today...


We were going to meet at her place and go... I had to contact her to know where and what time...


This was a date to go out not thinking about going out... The last thing she said to me was see you Wed. night...

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She would not know how late she was working until today so I do not know...


Jayauntae' F.


I am chill... Just can see the writing on the wall. If she was looking forward to go out with me she would have contacted me back by now to reconfirm...

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She would not know how late she was working until today so I do not know...


Jayauntae' F.


I am chill... Just can see the writing on the wall. If she was looking forward to go out with me she would have contacted me back by now to reconfirm...


maybe shes at work...or something........i mean call her 1 hour before you all are supposed to go out, if she doesen't call you before

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