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My professor saw me sleeping in class:'(

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I was up the entire night with friends doing homework, and I went straight to class without going to bed. Really bad idea I know, but I'd done it in the past a couple times and really thought I'd be able to hold out for a two-hour class. But I couldn't. After the first hour we had a break so I ran to get food to keep me awake, and in the second hour I took a few bites and the next think I knew class was over. It was horrible. This girl beside me who I sit beside a lot but am not exactly friends with, said, "You totally slept through the entire class". She was making me feel so bad. I know I deserved it but it felt so awful. I was like "oh nooo the professor probably saw" and the girl was like yeah she definitely saw. We're in a class of about 200 people... I just can't get over it. It's so disrespectful, what must that prof be thinking? I know things happen and I should get over it but it's got me so miserable. I can't manage my time and go to bed at a decent time, but it's never made me do something so bad. Apparently I almost fell off my chair. So yeah I was dangerously tired but not like the prof would care. It's just so embarrassing, at the last class I was so enthusiastic and was waving my hand in the air for a long time but never got to talk (a TA was giving the lecture) and the prof kept smiling at me, and at the end she approached me and asked for my last name so she could give me participation marks for trying. It was so nice of her. And then I go and pass out in lecture. She didn't say anything, she's too nice. But I feel like she won't forget about it like the girl beside me said she would. I always sit in the same spot and there's only 200 of us. I just came home after class and slept ten hours, so now I'm awake till morning class I guess. I can't stop feeling so horrible.

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Stop beating yourself over the head for this. It happens ALL the time. And professors understand (as long as you aren't doing this every other lecture). They know you have a grueling schedule and there are times when you're going to be pressed and not have time for sleeping (or much of it). I did this a few years back, except I started snoring in a class of 50. My friend bumped my arm and I woke up to everyone turned around laughing at me. So, it happens, and you shouldn't beat yourself up over it.

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I would take AJEDrew's advice you really have nothing to worry about.


Take me for example...first day of winter term I accedently have an alergey reaction with some cold medince I took....I started laughing for no reason in the middle of class and couldn't feel my legs I was completely out of it and my friend's...well they found it hilarious.


I'm sure someone will do something else next week and you'll be forgotten soon if you haven't been already.



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Yeah, it's embarassing and all of that, but you're not the first to fall asleep in class, nor will you be the last. Honestly, if you're extremely worried/upset about it, just e-mail your professor and let her know that you're sorry it happened, explain the situation and don't fall asleep again.


And, for perspective, if you think it's bad/embarassing to fall asleep in a class of 200 people, try falling asleep in a class of 20. I TOTALLY fell asleep in a philosophy class when I was in college. And the ONLY thing that woke me up--in the middle of class--was that my head kept drooping, and the motion snapped me out of it.


After that, I just gathered my stuff and left. Yes, it's best not to miss class, especially when you've been up all night studying, but if you're so tired that you can't stay conscious, then you might as well just leave, if you ask me. But, yeah, like I said, don't worry about it too much. Your professor knows, from past experience, that you're involved in the class and an active student/participant. And I can guarantee you that she's not putting nearly as much thought into your falling asleep as you are.

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It happens... I think if you're overall a good/serious student, it's not a big deal. I once fell asleep and was in such a deep sleep (dreaming and all) that my spanish teacher had to shake me awake. Small class, upper level Spanish...

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dont worry abnout it..i mean if you were snoring loud and falling asleep every class for long periods of time, then it would be a problem...everyone has one class here and there that they are extremely tired..i work 60 hours a week and go to school at night...its def hard some nights staying awake

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